Still Have This Side – Chapter 20

You won’t come here to work for nothing, will you?

After eating some fruit, Yi Wanyue officially began teaching Jiang Zimin to play the piano.

With Jiang Shen’s consent, they used the piano that Jiang Shen had placed on the second floor for learning.

Qiu Baiyu thought that there was no way he could disagree.

Jiang Shen’s intention was Yi Wanyue, so he was naturally willing to let Yi Wanyue use anything. He might even be willing to give his life if Yi Wanyue asked for it.

Jiang Shen even intentionally stayed in the living room; Yi Wanyue was responsible for teaching Jiang Zimin, and he was there to listen in.

Seeing this, Qiu Baiyu said to Jiang Zimin, “Learn well from auntie, I’ll go back to my room first.”

Then she turned around and went back to her room.

When the supporting female character and the protagonists appear in the same scene, nothing good ever happens. The system will definitely urge her to get involved in some romance play, so it’s better to leave quickly before getting drawn in.

Once inside the room, she closed the door, leaving a small gap.

Left for Jiang Zimin.

She does not want to get involved in the protagonists’ love story, but that does not mean she will leave Jiang Zimin unattended.

Jiang Zimin watched as Qiu Baiyu returned to her room and noticed that she did not close the door.

Auntie still cares about her; perhaps Auntie also wants to hear how she plays!

She turned her head expectantly to Yi Wanyue and said, “Auntie, let’s start!”

She naturally ignored Jiang Shen.

She didn’t know why Dad wanted to be there, but since he was, perhaps he was there to check if she was seriously learning the piano.

Yi Wanyue responded gently.

The first step in learning the piano is to understand the structure of the piano and basic music theory.

She carefully explained to Jiang Zimin, teaching little by little, slowly, and step by step.

Even with another person sitting on the sofa beside her, she remained calm.

This person is the child’s father, so consider him as a supervisor.

Jiang Shen quietly stayed on the side, observing Yi Wanyue’s teaching process, silently watching Yi Wanyue’s figure.

After Yi Wanyue went abroad, they hadn’t seen each other for several years.

He was very happy that she returned, and also very pleased that she was willing to teach Jiang Zimin.

If she were willing to accept him, that would be even better.

Would she accept him?

He had never expressed these words to her.

She could sense it, couldn’t she… would she accept?

Yi Wanyue was patiently explaining the structure of the piano and the function of each part to Jiang Zimin.

Jiang Zimin sat obediently on the piano stool, listening without even touching the piano.

After Yi Wanyue finished speaking, she asked, “Did I explain it clearly?”

Jiang Zimin nodded: “You explained it clearly!”

Yi Wanyue casually pointed to a spot and asked, “What is this part called?”

Jiang Zimin immediately answered.

Yi Wanyue nodded with satisfaction: “Not bad, you listened very carefully.”

Jiang Zimin giggled, silly and cute.

Yi Wanyue smiled and patted her head.

The whole scene was very warm and harmonious, touching Jiang Shen’s heart directly.

—This is the family he desires.

(LP: Please author, I don’t want to read any of that dog Shen’s thoughts! (。≖ˇ益ˇ≖。))

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

During the break, Yi Wanyue let Jiang Zimin have a good rest for a while.

Jiang Zimin first glanced at her dad sitting on the sofa, then turned and ran to find Qiu Baiyu.

She knocked on the door, and after Qiu Baiyu gave permission, she opened the door and walked in, happily saying to the person inside, “Auntie, Auntie, I learned everything about the piano!”

She ran to share her excitement with Qiu Baiyu.

Jiang Shen would neither initiate conversation with her nor listen to her, so she went to find her aunt.

Auntie is nice, Dad is not nice.

Yi Wanyue glanced over and then smiled as she looked away.

It seems Auntie Baiyu is indeed very important to her.

As soon as Jiang Zimin left, the large living room suddenly only had Yi Wanyue and Jiang Shen.

The atmosphere became very silent.

Jiang Shen stood up,

He walked towards Yi Wanyue: “Thank you for your hard work, Xiaoyue.”

“It’s not hard.”

Yi Wanyue slowly rose from the piano stool, turning back to glance at Jiang Shen.

“I just hope you won’t do this again in the future.”

Jiang Shen paused: “What do you mean?”

Yi Wanyue’s eyes were calm, her face entirely devoid of the gentleness she had when with Jiang Zimin: “Don’t use the child as an excuse anymore. I know what you want to do, but it’s not appropriate.”

Jiang Shen was taken aback: “Not appropriate?”

Yi Wanyue calmly said: “Don’t forget, you are already married.”

“Xiaoyue, I—”

Jiang Shen wanted to say something more, but Yi Wanyue interrupted him by raising her hand.

Yi Wanyue displayed a very polite smile: “Sorry, I need to go to the bathroom.”

Jiang Shen watched her departing figure, wanting to speak but stopping himself.

He slowly turned to look at Qiu Baiyu’s room, still replaying Yi Wanyue’s words in his mind:

—Not appropriate, you are already married.

(LP: Yes, please divorce!)

Qiu Baiyu sat on the sofa, looking at rental information, while listening to the child beside her happily share that she had learned many things.

Jiang Zimin even recounted every word she and Yi Wanyue had said in the room.

Qiu Baiyu listened very calmly, and even when Yi Wanyue knew about the “illness” issue, her expression did not change.

This was something the original person did, not her, and she would not take on this romantic-mindedness.

Yi Wanyue being able to say those things to Jiang Zimin reassured her about letting Jiang Zimin associate with Yi Wanyue.

As long as the child doesn’t learn bad things, she can play with anyone.

Thinking of this, Qiu Baiyu raised her hand to hug Jiang Zimin: “As long as our Xiaomin is happy.”

She would not let the foolish system succeed.

Jiang Zimin hugged Qiu Baiyu back without hesitation, her face full of smiles.

She is always very happy now.

Without her father’s attention, she is also very happy—she doesn’t need her father’s attention anymore!

Qiu Baiyu patted her little head, her eyes couldn’t help but turn to the door.

From Yi Wanyue’s words, it could be seen that she genuinely came for Jiang Zimin.

Because if it were false, then she wouldn’t need to be concerned about Jiang Shen deceiving her, and there would be no need to specifically leave Jiang Zimin’s phone number to prevent such a situation from happening again.

So, does she still not like Jiang Shen, or is it another situation?

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Such a good girl, liking a madman, is truly unfortunate.

“Did Dad always sit beside you when you were learning piano?” Qiu Baiyu suddenly asked.

“Yes, yes!” Jiang Zimin leaned against the sofa, playing with her hair.

“Did he just keep watching you all the time?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t pay attention to Dad. I only know that every time I look at him, he was sitting there, as if he hadn’t moved.”


Qiu Baiyu was speechless.

Is he just sitting there watching?

Are the domineering CEOs in novels not required to work?

Won’t the company collapse like this?

It’s really amazing…

She doesn’t want Jiang Shen’s company to go bankrupt yet, as she still wants to earn his money.

Speaking of money, she suddenly remembered something very important.

Yi Wanyue… isn’t teaching piano lessons for free, is she?

In some novels, the female lead always does many things for the male lead for free, Yi Wanyue wouldn’t be the same, right?

Qiu Baiyu suddenly felt a faint worry in her heart.

What a muddle-headed person.

Money is very important in life; how can you work for free for others!

The first day of piano lessons smoothly finished before lunch.

Yi Wanyue said she had an appointment, so she refused the invitation to stay for lunch.

Jiang Shen and Jiang Zimin saw her out.

Unusually, Qiu Baiyu also came down.

Because she was really curious and truly worried about Yi Wanyue working for free for Jiang Shen, she wanted to find an opportunity to ask.

Yi Wanyue stood at the door, looked at Qiu Baiyu and then at Jiang Shen, and suddenly said: “Xiaomin has things she wants to learn herself, and I hope you can listen to her opinions more.”

Mainly Jiang Shen.

After speaking to the two adults, she encouraged Jiang Zimin: “You can tell Dad and Auntie what you really want to learn, and I believe they will listen.”

As an outsider, she couldn’t intervene too much in family affairs, so she could only say this much.

Jiang Shen heard this, and very rarely took the initiative to place his hand on his daughter’s shoulder, promising Yi Wanyue: “Rest assured, whatever she wants, I will give her.”

Qiu Baiyu listened with an expressionless face.

The boring man was again trying hard to force the good dad persona.

Yi Wanyue did not respond to his words.

This sounded like he was making a promise to the hostess, and she was not suitable to respond.

She was not the hostess; she was just an outsider.

Then, Yi Wanyue suddenly turned to look at Qiu Baiyu: “Does Miss Qiu have something to say to me?”

She had been noticing Qiu Baiyu for a while.

When Qiu Baiyu occasionally looked at her, her eyes would unconsciously show worry and confusion.

Very strange, inexplicable emotions, which made Yi Wanyue a bit curious.

“Do you need to speak privately?” she asked tentatively.

Qiu Baiyu saw her smile slightly at her, the smile full of friendliness.

Seeing this, Qiu Baiyu said directly: “I am curious about one thing.”

“Miss Qiu, please speak.”

“Miss Yi, are you charging for teaching Xiaomin piano? You wouldn’t be working for free here, would you?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)


Qiu Baiyu asked very seriously, even if question marks were about to pop up over Yi Wanyue and Jiang Shen’s heads, she still had a serious face wanting to know the answer.

Which worker doesn’t like money? Going out to work, what else would it be for if not for money?

Then she saw Yi Wanyue smile, bright, open, very beautiful.

“Of course not,” Yi Wanyue said with a smile, “I am quite expensive.”

After speaking, she turned and left, leaving the three of them to stay where they were, watching her figure.

Jiang Shen was immersed in emotions of reluctance when suddenly he heard Qiu Baiyu’s voice beside him: “This is one of the few good things you’ve done.”

Jiang Shen looked at her, confused: “?”

Qiu Baiyu held up two fingers: “You’ve provided two employment positions.”

Jiang Shen: “…”

Qiu Baiyu asked again: “Does Miss Yi also get the five social insurances and one housing fund?”

Jiang Shen: “…”

Qiu Baiyu: “Maybe she doesn’t need it much, but it’s better than nothing.”

Jiang Shen: “…”

He chose to directly turn around and leave.