The Sovereign – Chapter 19

Volume One: If Life Were Only as It First Met

Touching the Heartstrings

Why did the Empress do this for her? Was she really moved?

Qin Junlan lay on the dragon bed, with the clothes on her upper body completely taken off. There were several bruises on her back, showing blue and purple marks. This time, the Empress Dowager really did not go easy. For the first time in her life, she was beaten by her mother. Just like an ordinary family, where a mother punishes her child for making mistakes, Qin Junlan not only had no complaints, but also felt a sense of happiness. How often could someone in the imperial family have such an experience?

“The Empress Dowager really is willing to use a heavy hand, even in front of so many servants and maids. I must be careful. If I hear anyone in the palace gossiping, I will definitely pull out their gossiping tongues.” Li Yue held the blood-activating and bruise-dissolving ointment prescribed by the imperial physician and gently applied it to Qin Junlan.

“I think hitting you with a hundred strokes today was too little; you still have the energy to chatter.” Qin Junlan squinted her eyes, enduring the pain in her back, but her thoughts were still on the disaster situation in Yuzhou. She didn’t even notice someone had entered the bedchamber.

Yun Jin did not let the eunuch announce her arrival but came directly to the bedside. When Li Yue saw that it was the Wise King’s Consort, she wanted to pay her respects. Yun Jin gently made a “shh” gesture, took the ointment, and signaled Li Yue to step back.

Her smooth, fair, bare back was like flawless white jade, smooth and delicate. Her hair hung down loosely, somewhat disheveled, draped over the bed, soft and shiny. Paired with that stunning face, there was also a hint of charming allure. Though she did not possess an exceptionally beautiful face, she had a unique attractiveness due to the distinctive aura of a sovereign.

Yun Jin cautiously approached, afraid of startling her.

Those bruises varied in depth; how could the Empress Dowager be so heavy-handed? Yun Jin reached out, wanting to gently touch but didn’t dare. She shook her head with a bitter smile, thinking she should have long abandoned those inappropriate thoughts.

She gently rolled up her sleeve, dipped her middle finger into the ointment, applied it to the wound, then flattened her palm and gently rubbed in a circular motion.

“Mm~ your technique is much better than before.” Qin Junlan suddenly let out a breathy sigh, tickling Yun Jin’s heart. She suddenly became flustered, her mind in turmoil. Her hand trembled slightly, and accidentally pressing too hard, she caused Qin Junlan pain.

“Hiss~ I just praised you…” Qin Junlan slightly frowned, turned around, and found it was Yun Jin, “Jin’er?”

“Did younger sister hurt you, Imperial Sister?” Yun Jin remained calm and composed, always showing a slight smile. Although she harbored countless feelings for Qin Junlan in her heart, she could only bury them deep inside.

“It’s nothing. Thanks to you this time. Is Mother still angry?” Qin Junlan slightly sat up, her inner garment slipping off her body, revealing a yellow dudou. Her twin peaks were faintly visible beneath the clothing, and even through the fabric, her well-proportioned figure could be felt.

Yun Jin’s face immediately turned red. She dismissed Li Yue and had to help Qin Junlan dress herself. Although such closeness was a luxury, a satisfaction, and possibly even happiness for her, she still blushed, the redness spreading to her neck. “When Mother saw Guo’er, she was no longer angry with you. In fact, what mother would really be angry with her daughter?” Yun Jin’s eyes wandered, not daring to look directly at her.

“Mother has always been sensitive about women falling in love with each other. This time, I fear I touched her bottom line, which is why she reacted this way. I don’t blame her, I just hope she won’t harm her health with anger.” Qin Junlan put on her clothes properly, and Yun Jin lifted her long hair, neatly hanging it behind her.

It’s rare to see Qin Junlan not wearing her dragon robe; she is truly captivating.

“Imperial Sister, don’t take it too much to heart. In a few days, when you feel better, it’s not too late to go and appease Mother.” Although Yun Jin felt ripples in her heart, she was still able to remain calm and composed. She had always been steady and reserved, hiding secrets in her heart for many years, never daring to let anyone see through them.

“Jin’er, do you also think that I am infatuated with beauty and linger among the common folk?” Qin Junlan stood up and spread her arms, and Yun Jin dressed her and tied her sash.

“Imperial Sister is the ruler of the nation and has been governing for many years, so you know your limits in everything you do. Jin’er has never worried about it. Moreover, regarding that Hong Yuan, Jin’er has also heard about her. It is said that she is an extraordinary woman, who, despite her life in the dust, remains as pure as jade. She is highly talented and possesses great beauty. It is rare to find such a confidante in this world. It is not surprising that Imperial Sister values her.” As Yun Jin spoke, she had already helped Qin Junlan put on her outer robe. This brief closeness was enough to bring her joy for a long time.

“Ah, Jin’er, you understand me. If only Mother could think like you.” Qin Junlan placed her hands on Yun Jin’s shoulders and couldn’t help but sigh, but Yun Jin’s mind wavered. The shyness she had barely suppressed surged up in her heart once again.

“Are you alright, Jin’er? Your face is so red, and your neck too?” Qin Junlan even touched her neck with her hand. Although Yun Jin appeared dignified and graceful, her heart was already in turmoil.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

If nothing was wrong, why did she come in while she was applying the medicine? It was just uncontrollable worry.

“Jin’er?” Qin Junlan felt that this sister-in-law was truly unusual today. She did not realize her own insensitivity to emotions and had never noticed that Yun Jin had been harboring unspoken feelings while always staying by her side.

“Jin’er should not disturb Imperial Sister’s rest and should go to Mother instead.” Yun Jin almost fled from Fengluan Palace. The way Qin Junlan looked when she was relaxed was so gentle that it was irresistible. She dared not look her in the eye, always feeling that one more glance at her would lead her to fall into hell.

“This Jin’er is becoming more and more strange.” In Qin Junlan’s eyes, besides the nation, there was only Hong Yuan. She couldn’t see that there was someone by her side who had always silently cared for her.

Although she was just punished by the Empress Dowager, Qin Junlan still worried about the disaster. She was brewing a plan for a southern tour, intending to personally go to Yuzhou to take a look. In the twelve years since she ascended the throne, she had encountered countless thorny issues, but there was never a hardship she couldn’t overcome. She was determined to personally resolve this disaster and lead the hundred thousand people out of their suffering.

However, if she were to leave the capital, it would be at least half a month, or at most two months. The affairs of the court could be entrusted to the Prime Minister and the Grand Scholar to manage, with the Wise King assisting them. But what about Hong Yuan? These days, she always came to find her whenever she was not attending court. With this southern tour taking her away for so long, how could she bear to leave her?

“Emperor Sister, Emperor Sister…” Bai Ruoxi almost came running, her excitement barely contained. “I heard you want to go south…”

Before she could finish her sentence, Bai Ruoxi was stunned. This was the first time she had seen Qin Junlan without her dragon robe, with her hair let down. The long, flowing hair hung down to her waist, and the thin outer garment revealed her shapely figure very attractively. The heroic spirit between her brows had softened a bit, making her look like an ethereal beauty.

How could this be an empress? She looked like a celestial goddess that one couldn’t help but admire. Those soft, deep eyes contained the most beautiful stars in the world.

Bai Ruoxi instantly became infatuated, as if many flowers were blooming in her heart, like a spring breeze blowing into her heart. Is this what they call longing for love?

“Princess, Princess, don’t shout…” Li Yue hurried to catch up. It was obvious without guessing that Li Yue had exposed her plan to Bai Ruoxi. Since when did Li Yue start causing trouble?

“Do not speak nonsense; I have never announced that I am going on a southern tour.” She had not proclaimed it to the world; she was planning a discreet, incognito inspection. To be precise, she intended to secretly leave the palace without the Empress Dowager’s knowledge.

Bai Ruoxi didn’t hear a word of what the two were saying. Suddenly, a big hug came her way, and she clasped Qin Junlan tightly. “Emperor Sister, how are you so beautiful? Can you lend me some of your beauty?”

“Silly girl, how can I lend you my looks?” Qin Junlan was already accustomed to Bai Ruoxi’s lively behavior and did not push her away. Bai Ruoxi’s physical affection was always a sisterly gesture, and she never thought much of it.

“Hmm~ If you can’t lend them, then let Xi’er look a little longer.” Bai Ruoxi, being half a head shorter than Qin Junlan, had to slightly tilt her head up to take in her full beauty. So, this is what her Emperor Sister looked like when she wasn’t being an emperor? In her childhood memories, this Emperor Sister always had a very serious demeanor, daily engrossed in reading and handling official documents. Coupled with the imposing dragon robe, she always exuded an awe-inspiring authority that made people feel intimidated.

Her current appearance is even more beautiful. She greatly envies Qin Junlan’s looks and natural aura. In this world, there is probably no one else who possesses such charm, making Bai Ruoxi so infatuated.

“Xier, don’t go around talking about the southern tour, understand?” How come she never noticed how gentle her Emperor Sister was before? Bai Ruoxi didn’t really hear what Qin Junlan said; she just thought whatever she said was fine and kept nodding. Who could refuse someone so beautiful?

“Your Majesty, on what day do you wish to depart for the southern tour? This servant will arrange for the accompanying shadow guards.”

Hearing Li Yue’s words, she finally remembered the purpose of her visit to Fengluan Palace. “Emperor Sister, Xi’er wants to go on the southern tour.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I am going to Yuzhou to inspect the situation of the people. The journey is long, so you should stay obediently in the palace and accompany the Empress Dowager.”

“I don’t want to! If I stay with the Empress Dowager, she will keep trying to marry me off all day. If you take Xi’er with you, the journey won’t be boring. Fine, I’ll even agree to you bringing along that Hong Yuan. It’s best to also bring along that taciturn Xiaomingming; otherwise, it won’t be fun.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener took it to heart. Qin Junlan immediately revealed a beautiful smile. “Xiaomingming? Are you talking about Ye Ming?”

Bai Ruoxi nodded blankly, not knowing what Qin Junlan was thinking.

The scenery to the south is beautiful, with picturesque views along the way. Why not invite Hong Yuan to go together? Bai Ruoxi’s casual remark truly solved the big problem in her heart. But how to persuade Hong Yuan to accompany her? Qin Junlan had to carefully consider this.

This Hong Yuan is indifferent to worldly matters; it seems she has nothing she likes and no one she truly dislikes. Perhaps the southern tour can be an opportunity to understand her better, to knock on the door of her heart. Her heart is like a heavy door, keeping everyone outside. Qin Junlan wants to be that key; it may be difficult, but she believes that one day she will be able to open it.

Jingyuan was desolate and empty, with only the sound of falling leaves breaking the silence. Hong Yuan stood alone by the warm pool; Ling Yu’s figure was no longer there, but it seemed as if her floral fragrance still lingered in the air. Hong Yuan took a deep breath, and it was as if she could hear that familiar voice calling her, “Xun’er, Xun’er, Xun’er…” over and over again.

She does not believe in heaven or earth, only in her mother and Ling Yu. She doesn’t care about the country or the great love of the people; she only wants to be loyal to Ling Yu alone. Even though what she gets in return is only hurt and disappointment, she still follows her orders and executes the beauty trap, throwing herself into her embrace. However, this time’s disheartenment made Hong Yuan’s heart even more numb.

Ling Yu understands her, knows she would not let anyone get close to her, and would rather die than heal in such a way. Perhaps she cares about herself, or perhaps she still finds herself useful.

Recently, she has had no interest in receiving guests, so she simply announced to the public that she was seriously ill and needed to stay in bed for several months, temporarily not seeing anyone. With nothing else to do, she came to sit in Jingyuan. Perhaps because Ling Yu had been here; the originally desolate Jingyuan seemed to have a touch of vitality.

She sat upright in the pavilion, holding black and white pieces, playing a game against herself. She does not like to be close to people and often walks alone. Occasionally, she would also be reminded of someone by seeing certain objects.

Ye Ming would keep watch over her from places where she couldn’t see, having long since gotten used to it.

The Shura Sect has an intelligence network. Typically, when messages are transmitted, they go through a unique process, advancing layer by layer, using signals as hints to obtain information at a specific location, and finally reaching the recipient’s hands.

“Tower Master, news from Ghost Eye.” Ye Ming handed the intelligence on the latest situation in the palace to Hong Yuan.

Ghost Eye is a spy arranged by Ling Yu to be deeply hidden in the palace. It is said that they have been lurking for decades without ever being exposed, and they even hold an official rank due to their service. Ghost Eye is Ling Yu’s last informant in the palace, and also to ensure that Hong Yuan will be protected when she enters the palace in the future.

“What is Ghost Eye’s identity in the court, do you know?” Hong Yuan asked lightly.

“I don’t know. They are the most secretive spy of the Shura Sect. Except for the Sect Leader, their identity cannot be revealed to anyone. But they will continue to provide us with information about the palace.”

“Hmm.” Hong Yuan indifferently opened the letter, and after seeing the contents, her expression slightly changed.

Ghost Eye wrote that the Empress was punished by the Empress Dowager, subjected to the dragon whip, and made to kneel at the ancestral hall. Although it was expected to cause a stir, it was unexpected that the Empress Dowager would be so angry as to whip Qin Junlan. The imperial family is indeed cold-hearted, Hong Yuan sneered.

Qin Junlan, oh Qin Junlan, you knew very well that the consequences of missing the morning court were severe, and it was highly likely you would be labeled as an incompetent ruler. Why did you still stay that night? If I am a source of trouble, would you really become an incompetent ruler because of me? You skipped court for me and suffered serious injuries; was it worth it? Hong Yuan tightly clenched the paper, her emotions complex, unable to stop worrying about Qin Junlan’s injuries. She wondered if the whip strikes were heavy or painful. Surely, the Empress Dowager wouldn’t be too harsh on her own daughter, especially since she is the ruler of a country; punishing her so severely could indeed damage her authority.

She has already received severe punishment, which is an indisputable fact. If the court’s rumors spread to the public, wouldn’t it ruin her reputation as a wise ruler? Hong Yuan didn’t realize that the beauty trap had begun to take effect, yet she didn’t feel happy at all; instead, she was worried about Qin Junlan.

“Tower Master? Tower Master?” Hong Yuan was perhaps too focused and overlooked that Ye Ming had been calling her. For the first time, she was distracted because of someone other than Ling Yu.

“What is it now?” She came back to her senses and noticed that Mujin had appeared in front of her at some point. She glanced at the yellow letter and guessed that Ling Yu had given another order. This time, she wondered who had to be killed or dealt with.

“I won’t look. Just tell me the content directly,” Hong Yuan slightly turned away. She didn’t know when it started, but she had become somewhat afraid of seeing the orders personally given by Ling Yu. She didn’t know why she felt a little terrified, as if a gap had suddenly appeared in her heart.

“The Sect Leader said that recently in Fengcheng, the Red Armor Lord slaughtered many Zhengyi patrol guards and hung their heads on the city tower after killing them, which is extremely cruel. She wants us to create some chaos in Jidu and kill some people to warn the Empress.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Why did the Red Armor Army slaughter the patrol guards?”

“Fengcheng used to be the territory of the Yu Kingdom. During the turmoil, the ancestors ceded Fengcheng to the Ji Kingdom for peace. The Yu Kingdom has always wanted to reclaim this city and secretly infiltrated patrol guards. Previously, Bai Yifei turned a blind eye, but now upon returning, he began a massacre. The Sect Leader guesses it was under the Empress’s order.”

“Truly a decisive and ruthless sovereign.” In an instant, the softness and goodwill Hong Yuan had just developed towards Qin Junlan crumbled completely. Ultimately, no matter how gentle she appeared on ordinary days, she was still a ruler who would make ruthless decisions for the sake of her kingdom and rule.

“Sister, what should we do?”

“Then just kill some corrupt officials and treacherous merchants, or some city defense troops. As long as you don’t reveal your identities, you can kill whoever you want.” Hong Yuan decisively turned around.

Actually, Ling Yu and Qin Junlan are the same kind of people. They can kill without batting an eye for their regime, and they treat human life with contempt for the so-called nation. It’s just under the guise of patriotism. Hong Yuan sneered; maneuvering between these two people, what difference does it make who is killed or how many are killed?

She couldn’t delay any longer. If she didn’t make further progress with Qin Junlan, the mission would be difficult to execute. Those people with the Empress Dowager likely already harbored hostility towards her. She couldn’t afford to be surrounded by enemies before capturing the key piece that was Qin Junlan.

Since the beauty trap is to be used, it should be even more thorough…