Still Have This Side – Chapter 12

Unfortunately, she is Qiu Baiyu, a person who does not obey.

The gathering had ended.

Although there was a small unpleasant episode in the middle, overall it remained relaxed and pleasant. Everyone tacitly agreed not to bring up Qiu Baiyu’s attack on Jiang Shen and the other person.

Jiang Shen stood at the door, seeing his friends off one by one.

The last to leave was Yi Wanyue.

Yi Wanyue stood in place, lagging behind the others, as if she had something to say to him.

Realizing this, Jiang Shen’s expression brightened considerably.

He took the initiative to speak: “Xiaoyue, I’m very glad you could come today.”

Yi Wanyue, holding the small canvas bag given by Jiang Zimin, kept a certain distance from him, her smile courteous and polite: “Thank you for hosting us as well.”

Jiang Shen said: “Do you have something you want to say to me?”

Yi Wanyue nodded: “Yes.”

Jiang Shen couldn’t help but feel a surge of anticipation: “Go ahead, I’m listening.”

Yi Wanyue gently raised her eyes to meet his.

“Be kinder to your child.”


“She is your own flesh and blood. It is your duty to raise her and care for her. Spend more time with her and show her more concern.

“And remember, the piano is meant to be played.”

After saying this, Yi Wanyue turned and left without looking back.

Jiang Shen watched her leave, utterly confused.

The last sentence was so sudden that he couldn’t make sense of it.

He turned to look at the French windows on the second floor.

That was the direction of the living room, and the space in front of the window was still empty.

But the second floor was not empty. That was where Qiu Baiyu lived—the one who lent clothes to Yi Wanyue and seemed to have had a conversation with her in the living room.

Could it be… Qiu Baiyu said something inappropriate in front of Xiaoyue?

As this thought crossed Jiang Shen’s mind, his expression immediately darkened. He couldn’t help but start replaying every event of the night in his mind, especially that episode in the dining room involving Qiu Baiyu.

She actually dared to scold him in front of everyone, humiliating him!

This woman truly had some nerve!

Jiang Shen walked straight into the house: “Tell Qiu Baiyu to meet me in the study.”

The guests were gone. Now it was time to settle the score!

Jiang Zimin went back to her room to take a bath after dinner.

Qiu Baiyu stayed alone in her room, lost in thought—thinking about the accident where the original owner had fallen down the stairs.

After thinking for a long time, she directly asked the system: “Why didn’t you tell me that the original owner once fell from the upstairs?”

【It was an accident,】 the system’s voice was dry and emotionless as always, 【not part of the main plot.】

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“An accident?”

【Yes, an accident.】

“Aren’t you following a pre-written storyline? How can accidents still happen?”

The system’s reply was very official: 【The world is full of accidents at all times, including in novel worlds. The system accommodates the birth of accidents.】

【Correcting accidents and bringing the plot back on track to ensure the world continues to run according to its original trajectory is the system’s responsibility.】

Qiu Baiyu understood roughly after hearing this.

This world was indeed not as rigid as she had imagined. Its plot could be altered, and thus accidents could occur.

The original owner falling from the upstairs was one such accident.

She entertained a small conspiracy theory: “Why did this accident happen? Was it intentional on your part?”

【The system will not harm any character. You can consider this accident as another form of fate.】

“Jiang Zimin wasn’t harmed by you?”

【It was necessary for the plot. The system is only responsible for operating according to the script.】

A very official response.

Except for that “fate,” which seemed to transcend the system’s control.

Then she had one more question—

“Where did the original owner go?”

The system’s response was immediate: 【She died.】

Those two cold words suddenly entered her ears, and even though Qiu Baiyu was usually calm, her heart trembled violently.

Death, an eternally heavy topic.

The original owner actually died…

【To be precise,】 the system spoke again, 【her soul left this world and went to another place to start her new life.】

Qiu Baiyu’s eyebrows slowly relaxed.

A new life? That sounded quite good, better than being stuck here as this vile female supporting character.

“When did she die?”

【Not long after being hospitalized.】


The probability of dying from falling off the second floor was extremely low. To hit such a minuscule chance, the original owner was really unlucky…

Qiu Baiyu’s brows furrowed again.

She was even more confused now.

“If she was already dead at that time, how could the subsequent plot continue, and how could I enter this body?”

【The system temporarily took over her body,】 the system said, 【important supporting characters cannot exit the stage easily. This was a necessary measure by the system.】

In the original script, Jiang Zimin was led astray by the original owner, becoming the next generation’s vicious female supporting character.

A supporting character that connected two generations of villains—perhaps that was what the system considered “important.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Qiu Baiyu had even more questions now: “Since you can take over the body to continue the plot, why did you let me in?”

【Because a body cannot be without a soul.】

This was the most human-like sentence the system had ever said.

【The system cannot take over an empty shell for too long. You were chosen not long ago, and thus you were fortunate enough to come to this world and begin your new life.】

The original owner died, her soul went elsewhere, and she started a new life journey.

She also died, her soul came to a foreign land, and she too had a new life.

For them, death was both an end and a brand new beginning. The system thought so.

Qiu Baiyu sat down on the edge of the bed, raised her hand to support her chin, and remained silent.

After figuring these things out, she felt much calmer.

She did not deny that this was a new beginning, and she was glad she was not a dove occupying a magpie’s nest. However, this new beginning was not very appealing either.

A vicious female supporting character, corrupting a child—who likes this kind of script?

【You can continue her life while enjoying your new life.】

Hearing this, Qiu Baiyu tugged at the corners of her mouth, let out a dry laugh, and scoffed: “I won’t become anyone else; I will only be myself.”

A life revolving around men, with eyes only for men, had no meaning to her; she didn’t care for it.

She had no interest in continuing anyone else’s life, it wasn’t her duty.

She hadn’t finished being herself, she didn’t want to become someone else.

She hoped that the original owner would have a new, good life, one no longer with a love brain.

She and Jiang Zimin would also have new, good lives.

【Rebellion has no benefits.】

“Neither does cooperating with you.”

【It does. We can create a new script, giving the host a smoother and more perfect life.】

A smoother and more perfect life sounded very tempting.

“I’m not interested.”

Unfortunately, she was Qiu Baiyu, a person who does not obey.

As long as she could divorce Jiang Shen, she would be able to get a substantial amount of money. With this money, she and Jiang Zimin could leave this place and have a good life.

The system accommodates all unexpected events, so she would be that unexpected event.

“Knock knock.”

The door was knocked on again.

She snapped back to reality, got up to open the door. It was the housekeeper auntie again: “What is it?”

The housekeeper auntie said, “Madam, Master Jiang wants you to go to his study.”

Qiu Baiyu glanced in the direction of Jiang Shen’s study.

—This man is so idle, always asking people to go to his study.

“I see.”

The housekeeper auntie turned to leave.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

But she was stopped by Qiu Baiyu.

Qiu Baiyu, with a serious expression, said, “Auntie, you can call me by my name, you can call me ‘Miss Qiu,’ but please don’t call me ‘Madam’ anymore. I don’t like it.”

The housekeeper auntie was stunned for a moment, then quickly responded, “Okay, Miss Qiu.”

An obedient worker.

The housekeeper auntie went downstairs.

Jiang Zimin, who had just finished bathing, suddenly ran over, grabbing the hem of her clothes, her face full of worry.

Qiu Baiyu found it strange, gently rubbing her furrowed brows with her thumb, and asked, “Why do you have that expression?”

Jiang Zimin asked, “I’m worried about Auntie.”


“I’m afraid Dad will get angry and scold you.”

Hearing this, Qiu Baiyu patted her shoulder very calmly, “You don’t need to worry about that. Your dad can’t out-scold me.”

Jiang Zimin: “?”