The Sovereign – Chapter 8

Volume One: If Life Were Only as It First Met

Restless and Ready to Move

United in anger, beauty should be appreciated by all, not exclusively possessed

The laws of Ji Dynasty are harsh, while Qin Junlan governs the world with benevolence. She treats the common people with leniency and compassion, but she shows no mercy to those who violate the law.

In the eastern city, there is an execution ground specifically for beheading those guilty of heinous crimes, corrupt officials, and traitors. Due to its enormous, gleaming guillotine, when it falls, blood splatters three feet, chilling the bones; thus, it is also known as the Beheading Platform.

As the spring breeze caresses, a season that should be refreshing, the air is laced with a hint of chill, even a trace of blood.

Everything at the Beheading Platform is clearly visible from the Ziyun Pavilion; Hong Yuan gazes far away, her face devoid of color.

The assassin is not heartless, nor is the spy cold-blooded; she simply has never been good at exposing her feelings and emotions to anyone.

“Have you been well, Miss Hong Yuan? It’s been three days since we last met,” Qin Junlan said, her white clothing fluttering as she held a folding fan, displaying a courteous demeanor befitting a gentleman.

“Miss, you truly know how to choose your days to come,” Hong Yuan replied, turning around, her deep eyes suddenly flashing with a cold intensity.

Hong Yuan appeared to be in a bad mood, causing ripples in Qin Junlan’s heart. Could it be that she intentionally set the Beheading Platform for her to see, truly provoking her? Or did she simply dislike such bloody matters?

“The Beheading Platform was originally at the Xuanmen in the eastern city; today, however, this western city has become another Beheading Platform. The Emperor is wise and brilliant; there must be a reason behind the Imperial Edict, something we common folk cannot comment on.”

“Indeed, bringing misfortune to the Suyuan Tower is true; business people are most averse to this. I wonder if Boss He Xi will feel displeased.”

He Xi’s reputation spread far and wide; it is said that the owner of Suyuan Tower has never shown his face. Qin Junlan once suspected that Hong Yuan was the one in charge of Suyuan Tower; otherwise, how could a courtesan wield such power here?

“The owner’s intentions, I do not know…” Hong Yuan gazed at Qin Junlan, pausing for a moment, “What should I call you?”

Qin Junlan paused, then spoke openly, “I am called Chaoyan; you can call me Yan’er.”

This name was spoken with utmost gentleness. The corners of Qin Junlan’s lips slightly parted, blooming like a peach blossom. In her clear, bright eyes, it seemed as if she could penetrate into one’s heart.

She is the most heartless empress; how many lives did she take from the Yu Kingdom to achieve her current prestige and the strength of the Ji Dynasty? Hong Yuan was astonished by her honesty regarding her name; everyone knew the empress’s title was Junlan, but few knew her given name was Chaoyan.

“Miss Yan’er, I had hoped to meet with you again, to brew wine and savor tea while discussing life, but today’s scene is truly unsuitable.”

“It’s nothing; there will be plenty of time in the future to find a moment of peace.”

In the distance, the sound of gongs and drums filled the air as the execution officer announced the crimes of several individuals, and a continuous stream of onlookers pressed forward. On the platform, several assassins dressed in prison garb knelt on the ground.

“Beheading brings death, while the soul perishes in the underworld. A single thought can lead to countless evils. I hope there are fewer people in this world with malicious intentions,” Qin Junlan said, her gaze distant, but her peripheral vision caught sight of Hong Yuan’s slightly pale face.

In the crowd, she spotted several familiar figures; Mo Feng and a few others were hiding nearby. They had taken it upon themselves to act independently, foolishly hoping to find an opportunity to save their own. It was akin to walking straight to their doom. If this was exposed, the entire Suyuan Tower would be finished, and the empress’s strategy would succeed flawlessly.

Hong Yuan was born with sharp eyes; no place where an ambush could be set up at the execution ground could escape her scrutiny. Although Mo Feng and the others were making every effort to disguise themselves, it was difficult to conceal their presence. This method of stealth was created by Hong Yuan herself; these people truly did not know the danger they were in.

“Mujin!” Hong Yuan called out sharply. (LP: Changing Muxin to Mujin)

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

It was the first time Qin Junlan saw a change in her expression, yet she remained calm and composed.


“The green jade-threaded shirt that Tailor Wang was supposed to have delivered to me—why has it not arrived yet? It was promised for today, and it must be today. Go and fetch it yourself, and make sure the garment is intact.”

Every word from Hong Yuan was a coded message, and Mujin immediately understood her intent. Tailor Wang referred to Mo Feng and the others; Hong Yuan was hinting to her to quickly stop them, which might save their lives.

After leaving Suyuan Tower, Mujin hurriedly assigned the shadow guards to secretly bring Mo Feng and the others back while she went to the real tailor’s shop to retrieve a new garment. As Mujin exited the tailor’s shop, Li Yue quickly slipped into the store behind her.

“Shopkeeper, did that young lady just buy a piece of clothing?” Li Yue tossed a silver ingot onto the counter.

The shopkeeper picked it up to weigh it and glanced at Li Yue. “Mujin was picking up a custom-made outfit for Miss Hong Yuan that was ordered a few days ago.”

“Absolutely no exaggeration?” Li Yue asked, half-convinced.

The shopkeeper shot her a glare and pushed the silver ingot back. “Tailor Wang says what he means; don’t think you’re something special just because you have a few coins.”

Li Yue didn’t obtain the information she wanted and had no choice but to leave in disappointment.

Since the day of the assassination attempt, Qin Junlan had never let go of her suspicions about Suyuan Tower, even though everything seemed so natural on the surface. Perhaps it was merely a show put on for her; despite several tests, Hong Yuan had left no flaws.

If she weren’t terrifyingly meticulous, she might truly be innocent.

Li Yue also harbored strong suspicions, but she hadn’t found anything questionable. Could it be that the attack on them near Suyuan Tower that day was merely a coincidence? It was hard to believe that the empress just happened to leave her chamber at the exact moment to see the beauty bathing.

But there were too many coincidences; unable to sort through her thoughts, Li Yue relaxed her vigilance and felt no trace of anyone following her.

It wasn’t until she returned to Suyuan Tower, where the noise of the crowd pulled her thoughts back, that the follower was immediately drowned in the throng.

Hong Yuan never received clients, yet Qin Junlan had entered her private chambers twice. A flower so exquisitely beautiful might be admired by many, but if someone sought to possess it solely for themselves, it would surely provoke public outrage.

No matter how strict the rules at Suyuan Tower were, they could not stop the crowd of guests from rising up. Someone had leaked the news that there was someone in Hong Yuan’s chambers, and the originally orderly guests suddenly began to stir.

Every day, the number of guests entering and leaving Suyuan Tower could reach hundreds; even if all the guards were to act at once, they could not stop everyone, especially since Mo Feng and the others had not yet returned.

“Do not be reckless!” The shopkeeper, wearing a clean robe, stepped forward to block the crowd, and over a dozen guards formed a wall to obstruct those causing the disturbance.

“Suyuan Tower has always had clear rules. We are regular patrons and have never caused trouble for the shopkeeper or Miss Hong Yuan. However, you have made an exception by allowing her to accompany a guest alone. We just want to ask whether this rule has been broken, and if Suyuan Tower intends to shoot itself in the foot,” a young man in white called out. He was handsome, youthful, and sported a small mustache, clearly the ringleader of this commotion.

“Exactly! We just want to confirm whether Miss Hong Yuan is truly receiving clients.”

“And who has actually entered Miss Hong Yuan’s chambers?”

These individuals were either wealthy or of noble birth, not frivolous people; even if a confrontation occurred, they could not be harmed. Besides trying to obstruct them, the shopkeeper truly had no other options and immediately sent someone to report quietly.

The young man with the small mustache mixed into the crowd, looking up with his head held high and a smirk playing on his lips. He wanted to see how Hong Yuan would handle this awkward situation.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

The crowd surged forward, pushing the shopkeeper and the guards up to the fifth floor, with both staircases packed full of people. It was clear that the situation was becoming uncontrollable.

Suyuan Tower had always had strict rules, and this was the first time they faced such a tricky problem, provoking public anger.

“I didn’t expect Miss Hong Yuan to have such a great influence,” Li Yue leaned in to observe, unable to help but exclaim.

“Miss has always been like this, never making exceptions. These people only believe that a man has entered her chambers, and since no one knows your master is a woman, it’s naturally hard for them to tolerate.”

“My master saved your lady; she regards her as a confidante. How could she still be targeted by these frivolous people?”

“Only because the lady has never had a stranger in her chambers; they are probably just jealous.”

Li Yue cast a glance at the chaos below. A brothel is a brothel; even those with discernment changed their demeanor in this place. Li Yue even noticed that officials from the court were present here as well.

The noise continued, and it was evident that the guards were struggling to hold back the crowd. The door to the sixth-floor chambers slowly opened. A wave of enchanting fragrance wafted out, and everyone froze in place. Normally, at this hour, they would never have the chance to see Hong Yuan; even just a glimpse felt like a blessing.

“If you continue to make a ruckus in front of my door, I will have you thrown out of Suyuan Tower,” Hong Yuan declared, her commanding presence magnified. When the icy beauty was enraged, she became even more captivating.

“Aren’t you the one who said you don’t serve drinks, don’t accept clients, and especially don’t leave the tower? How could you now have a man hiding in your room? Has the rule of Suyuan Tower been so easily broken?” someone in the crowd questioned.

Hong Yuan remained calm and composed, looking down at the crowd. Those well-dressed young masters, talented scholars, and erudite eunuchs’ offspring were nothing more than frivolous individuals in her eyes.

“My rules are the rules of Suyuan Tower. I can establish rules, and I can change them; it has nothing to do with you.”


Her statement left them speechless, but such stubbornness could easily upset the original balance of Suyuan Tower. Would this lead to countless troubles in the future?

Qin Junlan, who had been staying indoors without stepping out, could no longer hold herself back and calmly walked out. She didn’t believe that Suyuan Tower could truly turn upside down today.

“Indeed, there is a man.”

The anger among the crowd was difficult to quell. They looked at Qin Junlan with eyes full of jealousy and even rage. How could someone appear alone in Hong Yuan’s chambers? It was truly intolerable.

“What is the background of this young man? How is he able to enter the lady’s room? We also want to raise a glass with her.”

“Pretty boy…” someone in the crowd muttered under their breath. The young man with the small mustache glared at him, quietly approaching the one who had spoken ill, and extended a foot. Suddenly, that person felt a loss of balance and tumbled heavily down the stairs.

The fall was quite embarrassing, and he even twisted his waist. The young man with the small mustache secretly laughed, thinking that letting him insult Qin Junlan was simply asking for trouble.

The sudden tumble led people to suspect that Suyuan Tower was hiding traps, or that someone had used hidden weapons, causing some panic among the crowd.

“If you all wish to admire the lady’s beauty, you must rely on your own merits. Gathering together to make things difficult for Hong Yuan gives you no right to invite her for drinks!” Qin Junlan’s natural presence was formidable, radiating an inherent majesty.

“Hmph, if Suyuan Tower is going to break the rules like this, I can revoke the land deed at any time, and this establishment can close down,” a young man dressed in lavish attire boasted arrogantly.

“May I ask who this esteemed official is, wielding such great power?” Qin Junlan closed her folding fan, her smile fading.

“This is Lord Liu, the Deputy Minister of the Household Department in Jidu; truly, you are blind to Mount Tai.”1 Immediately, someone stepped forward to flatter him.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

The Deputy Minister of the Household Department was merely a small branch official responsible for matters like commercial land deeds, leasing, and sales. Although a minor official, he wielded significant influence in the business world, as merchants needed to navigate relationships through him, even if he had no qualifications to step into the court.

Qin Junlan had never understood how someone so young could hold such an important position. If he hadn’t engaged in corruption or colluded with business interests, he likely wouldn’t have reached his current status through legitimate means.

“Li Yue.”

“Master.” Li Yue slightly bent forward, and Qin Junlan spoke lightly, issuing a command, “Dismiss him and investigate.”

“This subordinate obeys your order.”

Her voice was light, but Hong Yuan heard it clearly. She had been trained from a young age to sharpen her senses, and with her deep internal power, her hearing was extraordinary. Qin Junlan acted with decisiveness; she would not tolerate even a grain of sand in her eyes.

Although this encounter was one of both rejection and acceptance, and was a deliberately crafted meeting, Hong Yuan had anticipated that she would be suspected. However, she hadn’t expected Qin Junlan to pursue her so relentlessly.

It seemed necessary to take action to make Qin Junlan believe that she was just a woman of the brothel.

Perhaps she could take advantage of today’s chaos and turn the situation to her favor.


  1. Blind to Mount Tai: A phrase implying that someone fails to recognize a significant figure or situation, referencing Mount Tai, a prominent mountain in Chinese culture symbolizing greatness.