Still Have This Side – Chapter 6

This is the female lead, Yi Wanyue.

The next day, the Jiang family villa was spotless.

Friends gathered for a small get-together, had dinner together, and the house wasn’t decorated; it remained as it was.

In the evening, this house welcomed guests.

Qiu Baiyu stood by the window on the second floor, looking towards the entrance.

Two spherical lamps were perched on the wall pillars on either side of the entrance, their bright light illuminating the faces of the arriving guests.

Among the arrivals were the male lead’s true friends, as well as dog legs1 flattering him.

These details were retrieved from the system; it still had the function of introducing characters as they appeared.

Jiang Zimin stood beside her, also looking down.

Qiu Baiyu noticed that while the male lead was talking to his friends, he kept glancing towards the entrance, seemingly waiting for someone—the person he truly anticipated.

A few minutes later, the answer was revealed.

She was a woman with delicate features.

She wore white high-waisted, drapey wide-leg pants, paired with a loose, asymmetrical apricot-colored half-sleeve top. Her shiny, voluminous hair was tied into a high ponytail, making her look fresh and clean, and quite likable.

The light fell on her, making her appear even fairer.

When she smiled, it was as brilliant and dazzling as the sun.

This was the female lead, Yi Wanyue.

It was the first time Qiu Baiyu had seen someone so beautiful, she couldn’t help but take a few more glances.

She now understood the real reason the male lead wanted her to attend.

The Jiang guy probably saw her as a tool, forcing her to become a part of the love play.

But she would still attend.

Because yesterday Jiang Shen gave her a sum of money: an attendance fee.

She was only required to attend and have a meal; she wouldn’t participate in any other activities.

This was very good, just having a meal. She did not have to be part of the love play, and she could still earn money.

“Wow, that auntie is so pretty!”

A child’s innocent exclamation came from beside her, and Qiu Baiyu lowered her gaze to look.

She saw Jiang Zimin wearing a pretty little dress, with a small red string bracelet on her wrist. Attached to the string was a tiny gold lock engraved with the characters “An Le” (peace and happiness)—she had told Qiu Baiyu that it was left to her by her deceased mother.

At this moment, she was leaning against the window, looking down with an innocent expression.

Qiu Baiyu felt a sudden sense of emotion as she looked at her.

In the original plot, she always showed a bad face to Yi Wanyue; Yi Wanyue was arguably the adult she disliked the most.

But now it was different. She didn’t dislike this unfamiliar auntie; she even praised her for being good-looking… She was not supposed to become the child full of hatred as depicted in the original plot.

Thinking of this, Qiu Baiyu felt an even greater sense of responsibility.

She absolutely could not let the system corrupt Jiang Zimin!

Jiang Zimin, sensing the gaze beside her, turned her head and lifted her face, seeing her aunt quietly looking at her. She tilted her head in confusion.

Two seconds later, she smiled and said to Qiu Baiyu, “Aunt Baiyu is also pretty.”

—She even cared about others’ feelings.

Qiu Baiyu sighed inwardly and lovingly reached out to touch her head. “Xiaomin is also very pretty, especially today.”

She knew her father had guests coming in the evening, so she specifically dug out her prettiest little princess chiffon dress to wear, wanting to bring honor to her father.

She was very thoughtful.

It’s just a pity that her father was entirely preoccupied with the female lead.

Thinking about this, Qiu Baiyu couldn’t help but lovingly pat Jiang Zimin’s little head again.

In comparison, she was dressed rather casually.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

She also wore a pair of long pants and a short-sleeved top, comfortable and decent, without any faults that could be picked out when entertaining guests.

It wasn’t a grand banquet, so there was no need to wear a formal dress, and she wasn’t used to or fond of wearing dresses.

In her past life, she was just an ordinary corporate worker, without many opportunities to wear such clothes. She preferred to dress comfortably.

She just didn’t expect that the female lead would be dressed similarly.

An unnecessary sense of understanding increased.

“Alright, let’s go downstairs.”


Qiu Baiyu held Jiang Zimin’s hand as they left the window.

Going downstairs, she could see Yi Wanyue’s appearance more clearly.

Now was the time for her to officially meet the female lead.

The moment their figures disappeared from the window, Yi Wanyue at the door seemed to sense something and happened to look up.

No one was there, just empty space.

Jiang Shen noticed her action and also looked over. Seeing nothing, he asked, “What are you looking at?”

“Nothing,” Yi Wanyue replied with a polite smile.

She withdrew her gaze, hooked her arm around that of a girl in the group, and did not move closer to Jiang Shen, but followed the group inside.

Entering the living room, Qiu Baiyu and Yi Wanyue came face to face.

Their silent gazes gently traced each other’s outlines.

Qiu Baiyu realized that the other person indeed had an exceptionally perfect face.

Her features were delicate and lively, her skin as white and smooth as porcelain, and she had a pair of sparkling peach blossom eyes, which seemed to draw you in the more you looked, making it hard to look away.

She caught a hint of surprise in those eyes.

Realizing this, she immediately ended her hasty and impolite scrutiny.

Just as she was about to say something, Yi Wanyue’s gaze had already fallen on Jiang Zimin, who was behind her.

Jiang Zimin, being introverted, wanted to greet everyone but felt shy, instinctively clinging to her back and timidly saying, “Hello, uncle and auntie…”

Yi Wanyue looked at Jiang Zimin and then back at Qiu Baiyu, a smile gradually appearing in her eyes.

She softly responded to Jiang Zimin, “Hello there.”

Then, smiling, she extended her hand to Qiu Baiyu, “You must be Mrs. Jiang, right? Hello, my surname is Yi, Yi Wanyue.”

A very proactive self-introduction.

Qiu Baiyu’s first reaction was: What an approachable female lead.

Yi Wanyue even called her “Mrs. Jiang.”

The original character would probably be very happy to hear this title, but she was not.

At this moment, a “swish” appeared before her eyes, and the task panel popped up again: 【Vicious Supporting Female Character Mission Released: Be sarcastic and target the female lead, causing the male lead to feel pity for the female lead and promote their emotional development.】

Outside the panel, Jiang Shen’s gaze was also fixed on Qiu Baiyu.

If she dared to embarrass his Wanyue today, he would definitely not let her off!

Everyone present quietly watched this scene of rivals facing off.

Yi Wanyue’s attitude was still unclear, but Jiang Shen’s affection for Yi Wanyue was already an “open secret” known to all.

Qiu Baiyu’s mad love for Jiang Shen was also well known.

So, what would Qiu Baiyu do when confronted with her rival?

Would she tear off the facade directly?

Would she flaunt her position as Mrs. Jiang?

Then they saw Qiu Baiyu take hold of Yi Wanyue’s hand.

“Hello Miss Yi, my surname is Qiu, Qiu Baiyu.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Her tone was calm and normal, without any sharpness or unnecessary actions. She didn’t even change her expression, remaining composed and serene throughout.

Yi Wanyue’s eyes curved into a smile, “That’s a very nice name.”

She was quite approachable.

Qiu Baiyu, while marveling at Yi Wanyue’s approachability, replied, “Thank you, your name is also very nice.”

The mission naturally failed.

The rival situation was instantly resolved, and the intense confrontation that others had imagined did not occur. It was as if they never considered each other as “rivals in love.”

Qiu Baiyu withdrew her hand and noticed that someone even showed a regretful expression.


Came here to watch the drama?

At this moment, the housekeeper came out to remind them, “Mr. Jiang, Madam, the food is ready.”

The kitchen had prepared a lot of home-cooked dishes, as instructed by Jiang Shen, to make his friends feel at home—especially Yi Wanyue.

Jiang Shen responded affirmatively, then turned to lead everyone into the dining room and invited them to take their seats.

He was particularly considerate and attentive to Yi Wanyue, “Xiaoyue, come, you sit here.”

He arranged for Yi Wanyue to sit beside him, in a hostess’s position.

The real hostess and his child were once again neglected by him.

Qiu Baiyu, however, didn’t mind.

If this man were to come over and be nice to her, she would be scared to death.

Jiang Zimin was a bit confused.

Why is Dad nice to another woman? Dad’s wife is obviously Aunt Baiyu.

She felt very sad when Dad ignored her, so Aunt Baiyu must also feel sad when she is neglected, right?

She quietly held Qiu Baiyu’s hand, looked up at her, and was about to say something or ask something when she suddenly saw Qiu Baiyu raise an eyebrow and her eyes light up, “Oh, tomato and egg stir-fry.”

Then she pulled her along to eat.

She was like, “…?”

Why does Aunt Baiyu not seem to care about Dad at all!

Qiu Baiyu focused on eating and consciously chose the seat farthest from Jiang Shen.

She never considered herself his wife, nor his friend, but since he paid for her to attend, she treated herself as someone there to freeload, just to eat.

After she sat down, Jiang Zimin also sat next to her.

Compared to her father, Jiang Zimin now relied more on her.

Everyone present silently watched her sit calmly at the end of the table.

Jiang Shen had no objections to this.

Although he originally wanted to use Qiu Baiyu to make Yi Wanyue a little jealous and test Yi Wanyue’s feelings for him, which is why he was willing to pay for Qiu Baiyu to attend, since Qiu Baiyu was so proactive in keeping her distance, he let her be. It wasn’t a bad thing.

After all, Qiu Baiyu had been acting a bit abnormal these past few days, and staying away wouldn’t scare Yi Wanyue.

“Sit wherever you like. It’s been a long time since we’ve gathered together, so let’s have a good meal today,” Jiang Shen said, taking on the role of the host, “If there is anything that doesn’t suit your taste, the kitchen can make something else.”

Qiu Baiyu sat quietly at her seat, looking at the plate of tomato and egg stir-fry on the table.

The colors were bright, the sauce was rich, and it was still steaming.

She loved eating tomato and egg stir-fry mixed with rice the most.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone sitting down across from her.

She turned to look—it was Yi Wanyue.

After Yi Wanyue sat down, she looked up and gave her a friendly smile.

Qiu Baiyu blinked lightly.

Why didn’t the female lead sit next to the male lead but instead came to sit opposite her…

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Jiang Shen watched as Yi Wanyue refused the seat he had arranged for her.

Now, the woman he loved the most and the woman who loved him were both sitting as far away from him as possible, looking directly at each other.

After Yi Wanyue sat down, the atmosphere in the dining room suddenly fell into silence.

Everyone’s movements unconsciously became lighter, and as they sat down, they unintentionally observed the actions of Qiu Baiyu, Yi Wanyue, and Jiang Shen.

The current situation was really quite delicate…

Jiang Zimin didn’t understand these matters of love and was confused, looking to the left and then to the right.

How strange, why did the adults suddenly stop talking?

Qiu Baiyu noticed that everyone’s gaze was intentionally or unintentionally falling on her, and she sensed that the atmosphere was becoming somewhat oppressive.

After quite a while, no one spoke, so she took pity and decided to say something to ease the tension.

Everyone saw her turn her head towards Jiang Shen and then open her mouth:

“Can we eat now? I don’t want the tomato and egg stir-fry to wait too long for me.”

Yi Wanyue was stunned for a moment and then silently chuckled.

Other guests: “?”

Jiang Shen: “?”

He suddenly felt that, in Qiu Baiyu’s eyes, he seemed to be less important than a plate of tomato and egg stir-fry…


  1. Dog Legs (狗腿子): A colloquial term used to describe people who flatter and fawn over someone in a position of power for personal gain.