Big Boss – Chapter 117

The Grand Wedding

The soft lips were touched by cool water droplets. Ye Youqing smiled, but suddenly heard rustling sounds and someone called out in a low voice, “It’s caught fire, it’s caught fire!”

Ci Ke was startled and quickly moved away from Ye Youqing, looking into the darkness. It turned out that a half-extinguished smoke cake had ignited the fake trees, almost causing a fire. Several shop attendants were frantically putting out the fire, exposing their figures completely.

Someone stomped out the flames with a foot, blushing and smiling awkwardly at Ye Youqing, “Miss Ye, it’s a small matter, you can continue, continue.”

Ci Ke then remembered that there were people ambushing around them, and their earlier actions had been completely seen by others. She hurriedly got up, stumbled out of the pool, and said, “Ye Youqing, you…”

Before she could finish her sentence, she heard the sound of wind above her head. Someone leaped down and landed beside Ci Ke.

Ci Ke looked carefully and recognized the person as Shi Li, feeling both embarrassed and angry. She picked up the red silk from the ground and threw it at Ye Youqing, who clumsily caught it, but it still smeared her face.

Ye Youqing threw away the red silk, splashed out of the pool, and was about to take off her outer garment, only to remember that her clothes were also wet. In a panic, she turned around and, ignoring Shi Li’s attempt to dodge, pulled off her clothes and draped them over Ci Ke.

“Ye Youqing!” Shi Li failed to take back the clothes, laughed in exasperation, “You only have eyes for Ci Ke, aren’t you? How ungrateful!”

“Of course.” Ye Youqing replied, looking righteous and strong, smiling as she wiped the water off Ci Ke’s face, earning a cold snort and glare from Ci Ke.


Ye Youqing’s actions were extremely swift. She had just proposed, and already she had asked Song Yi to issue an imperial decree. In less than half a day, the imperial decree from the palace had reached both the Ye and Zhou families, bestowing an auspicious date for the grand wedding of Ye Youqing and Ci Ke.

This action stirred up a huge storm in the capital. No one had ever imagined that one day they would witness two women getting married in the Qi Kingdom, and with the Emperor’s personal decree. Overnight, the entire city, from nobility to commoners, knew about it.

It was said that the Zhou family calmly thanked the Emperor for his grace, while the Duke Liang from the Ye family fainted on the spot in anger. His wife accepted the decree on his behalf and expressed their gratitude for the imperial favor.

At this time, the pressure shifted to Song Yi. On the following day, countless ministers submitted memorials opposing this matter, claiming that the marriage violated ethical principles and that two women should never be allowed to marry. However, the new Emperor caught a cold the day he issued the decree and avoided seeing anyone. The memorials piled up in his study, and he didn’t read a single page.

Nevertheless, aside from those who strictly adhered to the Confucian rites, not everyone was opposed. Especially as the capital gradually filled with festive lanterns and red silk, many began to marvel at the grand scale of the event. Some even whispered that not even the Eldest Princess’s wedding back in the day could compare. Those who had once lamented the hardships of the Zhou family’s girl and pitied her for having to marry another woman were now changing their tune.

Since Ci Ke agreed to the marriage, Ye Youqing had rarely met with her. Partly due to observing some old customs, and partly because she was personally busy with the wedding preparations, leaving her very little time. As the days drew nearer, Ci Ke grew increasingly anxious, often waking up in the middle of the night and tossing and turning till morning.

She had already sent the wedding dress she had sewn to Ye Youqing, and Zhou Hong was handling everything else. There was nothing for her to do but wait, which only added to her torment.

Finally, the wedding day arrived. Early in the morning, maids and older women came to her room to dress and adorn her. The golden-red wedding dress was already heavy, and her head was adorned with gold and jade jewelry. The hairpins on either side dangled, occasionally brushing against her cheeks, making her afraid to move.

Ci Ke kept her body tense, frequently glancing out the window. A maid beside her gently comforted her, “Miss, do not worry. It’s just reached the hour of the rabbit (5 to 7 AM), and Miss Ye won’t arrive for another half hour.”

“I am not in a hurry,” Ci Ke said softly, turning her head and tightening the ring in her hand.

The door was knocked, and a robust woman stormed in, placing a brass key next to the dressing box. She touched her head and smiled, “Miss Zhou, the young escort head ordered me to come. The items have been placed in the courtyard.”

“What items?” Ci Ke blinked and looked out the window, only to see several men setting down the poles on their shoulders, each pole bearing a dozen camphorwood boxes, all painted with red lacquer, glistening under the sunlight.

“It’s all dowry. The young escort head said these were prepared by your aunt for you and are now finally being put to use,” Ma Xiao said with a laugh.

Ci Ke suddenly wanted to get up but was held down by the maid beside her, “Miss, do not move. Your makeup is not done yet.”

“When did Aunt… I never knew,” Ci Ke murmured, feeling a sudden ache in her nose.

“The young escort head doesn’t know either. She found them while tidying up Miss Ziqiu’s belongings in the warehouse of Qiushui Palace. They must have been prepared for a long time. The items inside are quite old but still in perfect condition, and each one is of the finest quality,” Ma Xiao said in a softer tone.

Ci Ke was stunned for a long time before nodding and smiling faintly in thanks.

“If there is nothing else, Miss, I will take my leave and not disturb your dressing,” Ma Xiao said with a toothy smile and turned to leave.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Ci Ke felt both touched and melancholy, her emotions fluctuating like the wind, a mix of five flavors. Lost in thought, she didn’t notice the maid had finished her work.

The bronze mirror was polished smooth, reflecting the appearance inside. Rouge and face powder added a few more colors to the face, making it even more charming and exceptionally beautiful. The golden threads on the bright red wedding dress gleamed, and the bridal shawl was neat.

“Miss is really extremely beautiful, I’m afraid there isn’t another woman in Bianjing City that can surpass Miss,” the maid said with a sweet smile.

Ci Ke looked at herself in the mirror. Aside from the nervousness, her heart was also filled with joy.

“Is she still not coming?” Ci Ke looked out the window again.

The maid covered her mouth and laughed, teasingly saying, “Soon, I’ve never seen such an eager bride.”

After about the time it takes to burn an incense stick, footsteps were finally heard outside the door. The door covered with red cloth was pushed open by the maid outside. Zhou Hong, dressed in a deep blue robe, walked in. He was tall and handsome, smiling as he extended his hand to Ci Ke.

Ci Ke smiled and got up, placing her hand in his palm, and he led her out of the room. Red cloth was spread outside, extending all the way to the main door.

Ci Ke was not wearing a bridal veil, so she walked steadily. But the usually short path suddenly seemed to extend several times, and it felt like no matter how much she walked, she couldn’t reach the end. After a very long time, she finally saw the main door. Outside, musicians playing gongs and drums were already in place, and the joyous sound of drums filled the air.

Ci Ke couldn’t help but smile, and at the moment she stepped out of the house, firecrackers crackled, and countless candies wrapped in oil paper were scattered among the onlookers. Children cheered and scrambled to grab them, adding to the festive atmosphere.

Ye Youqing, already dressed and groomed, sat in the carriage, clearly hearing the whispers of the crowd below.

“This Zhou family girl truly has a life full of misfortunes. Enslaved at a young age, finally restored her status after much effort, and now she has to marry a woman. How can she find happiness in this life?” A man in gray coarse cloth clothes clasped his hands and shook his head.

The woman next to him glared at him and retorted, “But I heard people say yesterday that the two of them seem to be truly in love. Besides, she is not inferior to you men; she lacks neither wealth nor status. How can you conclude so quickly whether she will be happy or not?”

The man wanted to argue back, but suddenly the sedan curtain was lifted, and a woman in red clothes stepped out of the carriage. The woman’s clothes were also gold and red interlaced, appearing elegant and imposing, with deep red cloud patterns on her sleeves, making her look less cumbersome.

The things on her head were not as many as Ci Ke’s. She wore a dazzling gemstone crown, her hair fixed behind her head, beautiful yet spirited, her lips fiery red, her phoenix eyes curved. She leaped down and extended her hand towards Ci Ke.

Ci Ke stared at her without blinking, allowing Ye Youqing to approach. The firecrackers were still crackling, and red paper scraps were thrown around them, fluttering down. Ye Youqing reached out and picked a piece of red paper from Ci Ke’s head, whispering in a voice only the two of them could hear, “I suddenly thought, sitting in a soft sedan chair is somewhat ordinary. How can we show our closeness?”

“What do you want to do?” Ci Ke asked with a smile.

Ye Youqing suddenly grabbed her five fingers, then waved to the welcoming team nearby. A groom pointed to himself, obediently pulled the reins, and led a tall horse with a silk flower on its chest over.

Ye Youqing tiptoed, suddenly mounted the horse, her skirt flaring like a fan. Then she exerted her left hand forcefully, causing Ci Ke to lose control of her body and be pulled onto the horse’s back, sitting in front of Ye Youqing. The crowd buzzed immediately.

“Who gets married on horseback!” Ci Ke looked around, then turned back to scold.

“I want those people to see that we are in love and shut their mouths,” Ye Youqing said warmly, placing her chin on Ci Ke’s shoulder.

Ci Ke was both amused and annoyed, but could only comply with her: “Then why aren’t you leaving yet?”

“I am not skilled at riding horses.” Ye Youqing, smiling, stuffed the reins into Ci Ke’s hands.

The bride rolled her eyes.

The first pair of women in the Qi Kingdom to get married rode on horseback in such a grand manner, leading a procession that stretched for ten miles. They passed through the entire capital with gongs and drums, the streets packed with people, countless onlookers marveling at the abundant dowry and the magnificent scene. Candy and copper coins were scattered as if they cost nothing, filling the whole capital with joy.

Ye Youqing did not return to the Ye residence but instead took Ci Ke to a new house. This place was a gift from the new Emperor, named the “Wedding Ceremony Residence.” Located in the most central area of Chang’an Ward, it covered dozens of acres, with picturesque buildings and all necessary facilities. The place had already been newly decorated, with a garden banquet for guests to drink and dine, and a banquet hall to entertain the guests who had been invited.

Next was the bowing ceremony to heaven and earth. Although Zhou Ziqiu could not remember much, she was no longer afraid of people and acted as the elder, seating with Zhao Qingrou, watching the pair complete the three bows.

As for Duke Liang, he refused to come even at the cost of his life, and Ye Youqing did not care about him at all.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

One of the two had to entertain the guests, so Ci Ke went into the room first, while Ye Youqing went to the main hall. Most of the guests were relatives and friends, as well as some old ministers who had helped Zhou Ziqiu and officials who were good friends with Zhou Hong. They formed a few lively tables, drinking and chatting.

After greeting the guests, Ye Youqing sat with her relatives. She rarely drank, and after a few cups, she felt dizzy and her vision blurred. Zhao Qingrou pressed her down and took the wine cup from her hand.

Shi Li, holding a wine pot nearby, laughed, “No wonder you only drink fruit wine. Turns out your alcohol tolerance is so poor.”

Ye Youqing glared at her, quickly drank a few mouthfuls of water, trying to reduce the dizziness in front of her eyes.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the door, and then everyone suddenly stood up simultaneously. Ye Youqing, not knowing the reason, looked up and saw a tall figure striding in, gesturing for everyone to sit down.

“Today, there is no distinction between ruler and subject, no need for formalities.” Song Yi smiled like a gentle breeze, then dismissed the guards and walked towards Ye Youqing. The people around Ye Youqing quickly made space, giving Song Yi a seat.

Ye Youqing smiled, watching her sit down. Although Song Yi was dressed in casual clothes, her two months as emperor had already given her an aura of authority without anger, making her a competent emperor.

“Sister, a toast to you.” Song Yi took a glass of wine and clinked it against Ye Youqing’s cup.

Ye Youqing shook her head: “Now that I call you Your Majesty, you can no longer call me sister. Since you have become the emperor, things are different now, and this must be observed. Even calling me by my name is fine.”

Song Yi looked at her for a moment, then smiled and lowered her head: “Alright, Youqing. You and Ci Ke have finally achieved your happy ending, I toast to you.”

After speaking, she drank her wine in one gulp, and Ye Youqing did the same.

“I heard you say before that you would leave the capital after getting married. Isn’t that soon?” Song Yi asked.

Ye Youqing nodded: “The capital is not suitable for me, nor for Ci Ke. I want to take her to Jiangning Prefecture; the landscape in Jiangnan is much more relaxing.”

Song Yi responded with a hum, holding the wine cup and smiling lightly: “Is Shili also going with you? Then wouldn’t the capital be left with me as the solitary house and lonely person, truly desolate.”1

“You are the emperor, the world is full of subjects, how can you call yourself solitary.” Ye Youqing patted her shoulder, “In the future, if you need to send someone to find me, I will always be there.”

Song Yi smiled and looked up at her: “Then I wish you a smooth journey.”

Song Yi came quickly and left quickly. In no time, she hurried back to the palace to handle paperwork. Ye Youqing also had enough wine, got up, bypassed the crowd, and returned to the main room hidden behind the courtyard walls.

Lanterns hung on both sides, casting a soft glow. Ye Youqing walked through the main hall, bypassed the screen, and entered the bedroom. At a glance, she saw an old woman with red hairpins talking to Ci Ke, whose face was as red as the hairpins. Seeing Ye Youqing coming, Ci Ke hurriedly waved her hand at the old woman.

“Miss Ye.” The old woman saw that it was Ye Youqing, bowed her head, and saluted. She then said to Ci Ke, “Does Miss Zhou understand everything? If not, I can explain it again.”

“No need.” Ci Ke said hastily. She seemed afraid to look at Ye Youqing, her charming eyes slightly lowered, “I understand.”

Ye Youqing was somewhat puzzled and asked the old woman: “What are you talking about?”

The old woman, upon hearing this, seemed to remember something and reached out to pull Ye Youqing over, smiling: “I almost forgot, Miss Shi Li also ordered me to teach you.”

Seeing the old woman enthusiastically about to speak, Ci Ke quickly got up, grabbed her, and blocked Ye Youqing behind her, frowning: “No need to teach her, she already knows.”

“Know?” The old woman was somewhat surprised, “How do you know?”

Ye Youqing, although puzzled, seeing that this old woman was quite persistent, opened her mouth and said: “No need to trouble yourself, but why did Shi Li ask you to come? Is there some explanation?”

The old woman was stunned, caressing her pearl hairpin and smiling bashfully: “Miss Ye might not know, such matters are usually prepared by the mother, but Miss Shi Li said that the bride’s family has no female elder, so she had to take care of it herself. Therefore, she asked me to come and teach a thing or two. Miss, don’t worry, I have been doing this for more than ten years. New brides feel shy hearing about it, just listen and it will be fine.”

Ye Youqing, still feeling tipsy, was somewhat bewildered and turned her head to look at Ci Ke.

Ci Ke, however, did not look at her, reached out to push the old woman, and pushed her out of the room, speaking in a low voice: “Alright, thank you, Grandma. Please go to the door, someone will give you a reward.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Upon hearing about the reward, the old woman’s eyes lit up. After saluting the two, she swayed her hips and left. Before leaving, she stuffed a small wooden box into Ci Ke’s hand and winked at her.

Ci Ke wished she could disappear into the ground.

Finally, there were only the two of them left in the room. The summer heat was just beginning to show. Ye Youqing reached out to take off the outer cloak and hung it on the back of a chair. She then reached out to approach Ci Ke, causing Ci Ke to take a step back.

When looked at by those eyes, Ye Youqing felt a bit puzzled and said softly, “You’ve been wearing those things on your head all day, and this dress too. Isn’t it heavy?”

Ci Ke finally reacted, quickly nodding, and reached out to take off the head ornaments. Immediately, she felt a sore neck and twisted uncomfortably.

Ye Youqing stepped forward to help, putting the precious jewelry aside. Then she untied Ci Ke’s coiled hair, managing her hair with one hand and massaging her neck and shoulders with the other.

Ci Ke finally felt comfortable. Smelling the rare scent of cosmetics on Ye Youqing, she contentedly squinted her eyes, then snuggled into Ye Youqing’s embrace, leaning against her with satisfaction.

“Finally, we have waited for this day.” Ci Ke said while pressing down Ye Youqing’s chin with her fingers, her posture slanted and charming, her lips pressed in a smile.

“I feel the same.” Ye Youqing felt indescribable joy in her heart. She hugged Ci Ke, reaching for the ceremonial wine on the side, but her eyes landed on the small wooden box that the old woman had just given them.

Feeling a bit puzzled, she turned the lock and opened it. Inside were several sheets of paper with drawings on them.

Ci Ke hurried to stop her, but it was too late. Ye Youqing had already seen the content on the papers, her dark brows furrowing, and the alcohol in her system quickly sobered up by more than half.


  1. Solitary house and lonely person (孤家寡人): referring to someone who is isolated or alone, often used by emperors to describe themselves.