Fate Trading System – Chapter 9

Plan A

The Days and Nights of the Courtesan 9


Qu Feiqing thought Su Xin might have a strange brain structure, but it was very interesting.

A life of endless routine and stagnation can get very dull, so meeting new people and experiencing new things is sometimes not a bad thing.

Qu Feiqing stopped taking a nap and instead propped her head up to closely observe Su Xin, from head to toe, thoroughly.

Her gaze was far too penetrating, so much that Su Xin couldn’t help but suspect she was near-sighted or why would she keep staring for so long?

“If I say that you are very beautiful right now, would you leave immediately?”

Qu Feiqing lifted the curtain to look at the scenery outside and Su Xin said,


Little sister, hurry up and speak!

Su Xin’s pleading gaze was too ardent, making Qu Feiqing feel that as soon as she said those words, she would impatiently leave. She coughed.

“But I never speak insincerely.”


Su Xin’s face was the epitome of indifference.

Qu Feiqing had finished teasing Su Xin. She began tracing her fingers on the small table in the carriage as if she were drawing something. Su Xin didn’t look up to see.

Outside the carriage, Shujuan was still in a state of being out of her wits. She had still not come to terms with the reality of what was happening. Miss now sat in a carriage with Emperor Qu and they had left their hometown for a new land.

Shujuan could neither comprehend what was happening nor could she quell her apprehension. This apprehension was far greater than when Su Xin went to the palace with the help of others to train for the Four Kingdoms Banquet.

Unable to make sense of the situation and not understanding it at all, she gazed at the scenery in the distance and leaned against the carriage.

Su Xin wanted to establish a good relationship with Qu Feiqing, but Qu Feiqing was abnormally cold and aloof, constantly looking at her with a faint smile but not speaking.

Each of the four kingdoms took turns hosting the banquet. Qu Feiqing would need ten to fifteen days to return to her own Quliu Kingdom. When they were almost at an inn, there was a commotion outside the carriage.

Horses were neighing, then there was the sound of something heavy falling, followed by a lasso.

Qu Feiqing was unusually calm, as if she were used to this kind of thing. She calmly began to take off her clothes.

Seeing her take off her clothes, Su Xin paused for a moment and then politely turned her head away, observing the principle of “seeing no evil.”

“I’m not afraid, so what are you shying away from?”

Qu Feiqing chuckled. She, the one taking off her clothes, wasn’t afraid of being seen, but the one watching was embarrassed.

Of course, Qu Feiqing wouldn’t strip naked. She removed the thick layer of fine clothing on the outside, revealing the more convenient clothing underneath.

“It might be a bit dangerous. Be careful.”

Qu Feiqing gave Su Xin an order, unpinned a hairpin from her hair, and threw it out of the carriage. The hairpin flew towards a certain spot.

When the Emperor is angered, millions of corpses lie in her wake.

Qu Feiqing seemed used to assassination attempts, calmly responding to them. Su Xin pulled Shujuan, who was useless in a fight, into the carriage. Shujuan’s face was pale as she huddled in Su Xin’s arms, trembling.

Although the carriage was the most dangerous place to be, Su Xin couldn’t think of a better place to hide Shujuan.

This assassination attempt was particularly dangerous. Qu Feiqing didn’t stay in the carriage and instead flashed outside to fight the assassins.

Su Xin lifted the curtain and saw the chaotic scene outside.

【Dear Host, I suggest that you leave this carriage immediately. Five seconds later, you will be shot into a hedgehog.】

Fourteen issued an urgent warning.

Without hesitation, Su Xin pulled Shujuan along as she rolled out of the carriage. The next moment, the carriage was riddled with arrows.

Su Xin tutted. If Fourteen hadn’t warned her to dodge quickly, she wouldn’t have just become a hedgehog – she would have become a sieve (a strainer or sift).

Shujuan trembled even more violently, thinking about the consequences if she hadn’t dodged in time. However, she gritted her teeth and endured it, too afraid to cry out.

Qu Feiqing glanced in Su Xin’s direction. Seeing that she was alright, she continued to fight with the people in front of her.

The other side had the advantage in numbers, and someone shouted to protect the Emperor, making the scene very chaotic.

Su Xin left with Shujuan, and Qu Feiqing saw it from the corner of her eye. Her eyes turned cold.

Qu Feiqing’s attacks became even more fierce. She wanted to dodge the cold arrows shot at her, only to find that someone had knocked the arrows away.

Su Xin tore off the obstructive clothes. Although her current body hadn’t been trained, her agility was still there, so she could help.

Qu Feiqing was slightly taken aback when she saw Su Xin running towards her.

“Your Majesty, I’m here.”

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

Su Xin forcefully entered the battle, picking up the weapon of a dead person on the ground.

After hiding Shujuan, Su Xin rushed back in a hurry.

She brandished the long sword in her hand, her technique rather clumsy. Su Xin couldn’t help it. She didn’t practice this type of cold weapon in modern times. She had trained for a while out of interest, and now she was relying on her memory to do her best.

Qu Feiqing’s weapon was a folding fan with a blade embedded in the tip, looking unusually sharp.

Su Xin’s body was suddenly sent flying and crashed heavily to the ground.

Ignoring the pain, Su Xin felt like she had suffered internal injuries.

【Host, this is the internal energy of the ancient world.】

Fourteen provided a science popularization.

Of course it’s internal energy. Do you think I’m seeing a ghost?

Su Xin’s face was gloomy, and she wiped away the blood from the corner of her mouth. Her internal organs felt like they were burning. With difficulty, she stood up.

【Host, do you want to activate the pain immunity enhancement mode? This function is free the first time you activate it. Subsequent activations will cost 1/12 of your life points. The duration is 10 minutes. Afterwards, you will experience double the pain, and…】

The system was quite user-friendly, even offering a free trial.

Su Xin tossed her hair and clicked to activate it.

In the next moment, the pain in her body completely disappeared, and Su Xin felt filled with strength.

At this moment, Qu Feiqing was already surrounded, but she was not panicked. She saw Su Xin, who had been knocked away, and felt a bit of pity.

Someone too weak was not fit to live by her side.

Her situation was not peaceful. Even though she had been the Emperor for four years, there were some deep-rooted things that she could not yet shake. There were many people who wanted her dead.

However, Su Xin always seemed to be able to surprise her. She saw Su Xin walking towards her and smiled.

Cold-blooded and dark.

Su Xin felt like she was about to transform into a Super Saiyan and could fight many at once, saving the world and bringing about world peace.

She changed weapons, discarding the long sword in her hand for a dagger.

There were plenty of dead people on the ground, and plenty of weapons as well. She could just pick one up.

Qu Feiqing frowned. Su Xin was protecting her, but that kind of fighting style was indeed very self-destructive, killing a thousand enemies but self-inflicting eight hundred casualties.

But she seemed to feel no pain. When the enemy’s blade left a mark on her body, her movements were unimpeded.

Qu Feiqing killed several people in front of Su Xin and pulled Su Xin away.

“That’s enough. I’ll handle it.”

The sound of galloping horses came from afar. Qu Feiqing’s expression was cold, and she gave an order with a flick of her finger.


“I’m glad you’re okay.”

Su Xin looked Qu Feiqing up and down and found that she was not injured.

【Ten minutes are up; immunity enhancement mode has ended.】

Qu Feiqing found that the person who had been standing in front of her just fine suddenly fell to her knees, clutching her stomach, her face instantly losing all color. Sweat dripped from her forehead, and extremely looking pained.

Su Xin felt that there was no word that could better represent her feelings at the moment than a curse. This body’s pain tolerance was naturally far inferior to her previous body’s, and with the pain doubled, she felt like she was in more pain than if she had been f*cked by a dog.

Su Xin’s lips were trembling from the pain, and she couldn’t say a word.

Her eyes were fixed on the ground, and her fists were clenched tightly.

【Host, do you want a cup of chrysanthemum tea to cool you down?】

Fourteen couldn’t bear to watch any longer and asked with concern.

Can chrysanthemum tea make the pain go away?

【Sorry, it can’t.】

Do you have anything else?

【Umm…host, do you mean something free? I also have rose tea, jasmine tea…】

MMP, shut up. (LP: MMP = motherf*cker)

【Host, please refrain from using foul language towards the system. We should strive to build a harmonious society.】

Fourteen still gave Su Xin a cup of chrysanthemum tea. Su Xin felt her mood improve, but she was still in a lot of pain. The feeling of just being slightly relieved flared up again.

Su Xin felt herself being picked up. There were many wounds on her body, and Su Xin would shudder if she was accidentally touched. The “no fainting” mode was really too unfair.

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

Qu Feiqing looked at the young girl in her arms. Her face was small and wrinkled in pain. She bit her lip and trembled from the pain, but she did not cry.

There were no tears in her eyes.

Qu Feiqing felt that she looked better this way than before, when she was obviously smiling but didn’t care about anything.

Qu Feiqing’s men cleaned up the mess and invited her to board another carriage. Shujuan ran out of her hiding place and her eyes turned red when she saw Su Xin covered in blood in Qu Feiqing’s arms.

Qu Feiqing carried Su Xin into the carriage, and Shujuan quickly followed and sat outside the carriage, worried about Su Xin inside.

“I didn’t run just now.”

Su Xin shivered and whispered.

“I know.”

Qu Feiqing carefully avoided Su Xin’s wounds. The smell of blood on Su Xin’s body was strong, and she could only see a few obvious wounds.

“You didn’t have to come.”

Qu Feiqing pursed her lips. She could have handled it herself.

“But I was worried about you.”

Su Xin’s eyebrows were furrowed tightly, and her hands gripped the small table, tightly holding onto the legs of the table.

Master Fourteen, I won’t die, right?

【This subordinate is uncertain. The host’s current health is 26%. It is dangerous when it drops to 10%. According to the rate at which the host’s vitality is currently being lost, preparations for the afterlife can be made in 15 minutes.】

Su Xin felt a warm energy flowing into her body, and the burning, twisting pain in her internal organs was relieved.

【This subordinate’s uncertainty lies here: someone will save you.】

Qu Feiqing transferred her internal energy into Su Xin’s body, but she didn’t dare transfer too much. It would be counterproductive if she did.


Qu Feiqing’s distinct black and white eyes met Su Xin’s. She found it funny, but she couldn’t laugh.

It had been many years since anyone had genuinely cared about her. Weren’t they all plotting?

“You are very beautiful. I like you very much.”

Su Xin said with difficulty.


She’s still a young girl who judges people by their looks.

“Even if it’s just your appearance, it’s still yours.”

Su Xin said slowly. Her throat felt a sweet, coppery taste of blood, and she stopped talking.

Su Xin liked Qu Feiqing’s face and her powerful soul. Even if she wasn’t the key to the mission, but just an ordinary friend, Su Xin would still have saved her.

They arrived at the inn. Qu Feiqing carried Su Xin to the guest room, with Shujuan following close behind.

Someone had already prepared hot water, and someone had already received Qu Feiqing’s order to find a doctor in advance.

The doctor with the goatee carefully examined Su Xin’s injuries, prescribed some medicine, and left some ointment for wounds.

Su Xin was covered in blood and sticky substances, and needed to be cleaned up first. Shujuan came in with a basin of hot water, and Qu Feiqing walked out, closing the door behind her.

Shujuan carefully helped Su Xin take off her clothes. Some of the fabric was stuck to the wounds, and she shed tears as she cut the fabric away. Seeing Su Xin tremble from the pain, and seeing the hideous scars on Su Xin’s fair skin, she cried even harder.

“You silly girl, I’m the one who’s injured and I’m not shedding any tears, but you’re crying so sadly.”

“When has Miss ever suffered such an injury, and such a serious one at that? Why did Miss rush out there?”

Shujuan muttered. Although her Miss couldn’t be considered pampered, she had indeed never done any dirty or tiring work, let alone fought with people with a dagger. She couldn’t even imagine it.

“Because I was worried about her. If it had been Shujuan who was attacked, I would have rushed out just the same.”

Su Xin pointed to her throat and stopped talking.

Shujuan had already taken off all of her clothes. The blood-stained clothes and some fragments of clothes were thrown on the ground.

Shujuan wrung out the towel and carefully cleaned Su Xin little by little. When she lowered her head, her face flushed.

When the ointment for wounds was applied, Su Xin grimaced in pain. When it was time to take the medicine, Su Xin resisted even more.

The taste of traditional Chinese medicine was such that it could make those who were afraid of bitter things want to commit su*cide at any moment. Su Xin endured it and drank it all in one gulp while the medicine was slightly cool, holding back her vomit.

Su Xin thought that things would calm down like this, but she didn’t expect that something would still happen.

When Qu Feiqing entered Su Xin’s room, Su Xin watched with her own eyes as the person who was originally standing behind Qu Feiqing suddenly attacked, stabbing Qu Feiqing with a dagger.


(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

Su Xin’s voice was almost hoarse.

Fortunately, she dodged it. Qu Feiqing subconsciously moved her body out of the way. The person behind her seemed to be very familiar with Qu Feiqing, and even knew exactly which way she would dodge.

Qu Feiqing looked at the dagger that had been stabbed into her shoulder at an angle, and turned around to strike the person with her palm, regardless of how sharp the tip of the dagger was.

Gritting her teeth, Qu Feiqing pulled out the dagger from her shoulder and threw it at the traitor who was trying to escape. The blade pierced right through their heart.

Qu Feiqing covered her shoulder and someone rushed off to find a doctor.

Master Fourteen, hurry, use that “crocodile’s tears”.

Qu Feiqing looked at Su Xin in slight surprise. Why was she crying?

Su Xin’s tears dripped down, and she tried with difficulty to sit up.

“Are you in pain?”

Su Xin later talked to Sun Yixiao, her colleague, about it. Sun Yixiao gritted her teeth and said that the tears that the system gave her were deadly. When her husband saw her crying, he not only wanted to comfort her, but also wanted to sleep with her!

Of course, that was a story for later. Right now, Su Xin, who was crying uncontrollably like a dog, didn’t know that. She was trying her best to radiate goodwill towards Qu Feiqing.

Qu Feiqing took a deep look at Su Xin and revealed a strange smile that Su Xin couldn’t quite understand. It made Su Xin feel a little cold.

Sobbing, Su Xin asked Fourteen if she was crying too ugly, so ugly that it scared Qu Feiqing?

The author has something to say:

Su Xin: Am I so ugly that it scares you?

Qu Feiqing: 【phantom limb is already hard】