Novel Turned Yuri – Chapter 115.4

Extra 1 Part 2

Qiao Yu x Lin Qing in the Parallel World

“Are you going to forget about me?”


Qiao Yu remained silent, painfully turning her head away, only to have Lin Qing forcefully straighten it, forcing their eyes to meet with her vulnerable, unsettling gaze.

“Are you going to… forget about me? Qiao Yu…?”

She muttered to herself.

Qiao Yu could only think of these four words. She even doubted whether Lin Qing had heard anything she said since they met this time, completely immersed in her own thoughts, like a child who would cry relentlessly if denied candy.

“…Lin Qing, let go of me first.”

“I won’t!”

Her words instead provoked Lin Qing, who not only didn’t release her as she asked but held onto her even tighter, pressing their bodies closely together, burying his head in her shoulder.

“I won’t let go, you left yesterday… Where did you go? Why didn’t you reply to my messages? I couldn’t find you anywhere…”

“It doesn’t matter, don’t be like this—” Qiao Yu didn’t know how to describe Lin Qing’s current state, so she said stiffly, “I won’t leave now, let go of me.”

But it was no use, no matter what she said, Lin Qing refused to loosen her grip, stubbornly holding onto her tightly, emitting some choked-up hums.

Qiao Yu had never seen Lin Qing like this before. If she insisted on struggling with her, Lin Qing would probably not be able to match her strength, but when she tried to pry Lin Qing’s hand away, her reaction was too intense, leaving Qiao Yu feeling helpless and unable to move, so she could only sigh deeply.

“Did you hear what I just said? Lin Qing, don’t be like this, I…” She paused for a long time before reluctantly finding an adjective, “have impure intentions towards you.”

“…I’m holding you, don’t you like it anymore?”

Lin Qing’s voice became uneasy again. She tried to press her trembling body closer to Qiao Yu’s embrace, struggling to suppress the quiver in her voice.

“I used to hold you often, why do you now say you like me, but when I hold you, you tell me not to?”

“Because they’re not the same thing.”

Thinking that Lin Qing really didn’t understand that aspect of feelings, Qiao Yu couldn’t express what she felt, so she laughed at herself.

“What are you doing now, Lin Qing? Are you pitying me?”

“…I’m not.”

The unexpected answer came quickly, and Qiao Yu felt Lin Qing shake her head against her shoulder, her voice bitter.

“I’m begging you to pity me.”

“You can’t forget about me, Qiao Yu.”

“…You can’t forget about me.”

She repeated it softly once more, a sourness rising in Qiao Yu’s throat as she closed her eyes.

In truth, she hadn’t even made up her mind yet, but she couldn’t help but speak uncontrollably at this moment.

“I know I’m being irresponsible, it’s ugly, it’s avoiding.”

“But, but Lin Qing, how should I face you now? I don’t understand anymore.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“I’ve liked you since a long, long time ago. Over the years, I’ve been waiting for it to fizzle out, but I never expected it to reach the irretrievable point it’s at today.”

“If I had known it would come to this, I would have ended it much earlier. I’m sorry for making you spend these years on me.”

“I selfishly fell in love with you, causing you to lose a friend. It’s understandable if you hate me for it, but Lin Qing, both you and I know that at this moment of truth, we can no longer be friends.”

“So it’s better to end things cleanly.”

Qiao Yu paused, gripping Lin Qing’s shoulders tightly, trying to push her away from her embrace.

“Forgetting about someone is no big deal, there’s no need to make a fuss.”

“No, Qiao Yu, my words… That’s not what I meant…”

Lin Qing’s voice couldn’t suppress the tears anymore. Qiao Yu could feel warm drops of water on her shoulder. She paused, hearing Lin Qing choke up as she spoke.

“Can you please not say these things? Qiao Yu, please don’t…”

“Anyone in the world can forget about me, but you, you can’t forget about me.”

“I’ve been wrong not to notice your feelings all this time… But, I don’t understand…”

“Love… What exactly is love?”

“We’ve always been together, whether it’s school, work, leisure, or busyness, we’ve always been together.”

“In that case, what’s the difference between this and love?”

She finally lifted her head from Qiao Yu’s shoulder, revealing a pair of watery eyes, full of panic as she leaned closer to Qiao Yu, her gaze slightly lowered.

“…Is it just a kiss and… other things we haven’t done? You should at least give me a chance to try, or teach me, I…”

Lin Qing unexpectedly lunged forward, bumping into Qiao Yu’s nose. Along with the surge of sourness, there was a soft touch on her lips. Startled, Qiao Yu forcefully broke free from Lin Qing’s embrace, grabbing her shoulders and pushing her away.

“Don’t be ridiculous!”

“I’m not being ridiculous!”

The suddenness of being pushed away caused Lin Qing to react strongly. Qiao Yu couldn’t control her, and Lin Qing clumsily bumped into her again. Qiao Yu scrambled to push her away. Instead of seeking a kiss, they now seemed more like wrestling in a tangle.

“…Lin Qing! What are you trying to do?”

In the end, Qiao Yu gained the upper hand. She grabbed Lin Qing’s wrist and pressed her against the wall. The positions of the two exchanged perfectly. She stared into those moist eyes and questioned in a suppressed voice.

“I want… to learn how to love you.”

The restrained person suddenly calmed down, staring blankly at Qiao Yu.

“I secretly looked at that world because you praised her beauty…”

“The one over there with her and Qiao Yu—Qiao Yu over there, they’re together.”

“But, I feel like they’re only different from us in this one aspect.”

“So if I learn how to do it, then we’ll be in love, right?”


(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Not knowing whether to laugh or to be angry, Qiao Yu’s throat churned and churned, eventually turning into a sigh as she let go of Lin Qing.

“That’s not the way.”

“It’s not something you learn like this, Lin Qing.”

Her voice sounded somewhat weary, but she still wore her usual gentle smile.

“You don’t need to do this kind of thing just to keep me. It’s something you do with someone you truly like.”

“…But you just said you liked me.”

“It’s true, but you don’t like me—”

“I never said that!”

Lin Qing became agitated again, forcefully stepping forward, her tone urgent.

“I never said… I don’t like you.”

“There’s a lot of space between liking and not liking, I know.”

“No, I just don’t quite understand yet!”

Lin Qing’s lightly floating tone irritated her. She wanted to reach for Qiao Yu’s neck but was blocked, anxiously pressing her lips together.

“But I know, out of everyone in the world, I must, I like you the most, only you.”

“…Don’t say things like that.”

Deliberately ignoring Lin Qing’s words, Qiao Yu turned her head away, pretending to be casual.

“Perhaps tomorrow you’ll meet someone you instantly fall for, who knows. Even for me, maybe I’m not as passionate as I imagine. It’s just that I haven’t met someone who could make me like them more—”


Qiao Yu’s words couldn’t be finished because Lin Qing’s body suddenly stiffened. She looked over with a hint of curiosity, only to meet a pair of hollow eyes, almost like the end of the world, which suddenly burst into astonishing brilliance upon seeing her.

“Someone you like more?”

Lin Qing’s voice wavered, repeating uncertainly, with a nearly obsessive gleam in her eyes. Ignoring Qiao Yu’s resistance, she forcefully embraced her neck.

“…Someone you like more than me…?”

She spoke softer and her grip tightened, forcing Qiao Yu to bend down, looking at Lin Qing in astonishment.

“No, Qiao Yu.”

Lin Qing approached Qiao Yu with a light tone, locking eyes with her for a moment before suddenly laughing, though the smile didn’t reach her eyes.

“Don’t like someone else, okay?”

“You can’t… like someone other than me.”

Oh no, what should I do?

Qiao Yu swallowed hard, her certainty about Lin Qing’s lack of understanding in this aspect suddenly wavering.

“Lin Qing, what exactly…”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

She looked deeply into Lin Qing’s eyes, unsure if she truly saw the emotions she had longed for there.

But at least one thing can be certain.

“Well… alright, alright.”

Qiao Yu sighed lightly, raising the white flag of surrender.

“At least for today, I won’t delete the memories about you.”

“Just for today?”

“What I mean is—I need to really think about it.”

The person in her arms immediately became uneasy upon hearing her words, hurriedly trying to distract her by blowing on her ears. Qiao Yu’s ears turned red, feeling uncomfortable, she gently pushed the person away, patting her shoulder to signal her to let go, but she was held even tighter, almost as if stubbornly determined.


It seems like the outcome can’t be decided today, so it will have to be postponed.

Fortunately, they still have plenty of time to entangle with each other in the distant future, bound deeply to one another.