Panda Cub – Chapter 76


The dark red blood from their hearts welled up at their fingertips. As they exchanged a glance, their faces appeared somewhat pale. Yet, when they looked into each other’s eyes, the soft smiles that emerged made them both ignore the pain of the blood welling up in their hearts.

Raising their hand, the droplet of heart’s blood coalesced at their fingertips slowly touched the other’s forehead. In the moment the skin reddened, the dark red droplet vanished from the fingertip, merging into the other’s forehead, etching into their soul.

In that instant of the bond, both could feel a marvelous connection in their hearts, as if they had built a bridge between their souls.

Below the stage erupted in enthusiastic applause. Jing Dan held He Ying’s hand, smiling joyfully.

She was now hers, forever and ever.

After the bonding, the next step was the whole clan gathering together for a wedding feast. Among the spirit clan, when the entire clan gathers for a wedding feast, it can be considered as getting married. However, later on, an additional procedure was added: one must go to the Spirit Realm Management Bureau to register the marriage and obtain the marriage certificate belonging to the spirit clan.

“I wonder what our marriage certificate looks like,” Jing Dan murmured softly, filled with curiosity.

“We’ll find out tomorrow when we go to collect it.”

The marriage certificate of the spirit clan doesn’t resemble the standardized little red booklet of humans. Instead, the Management Bureau customizes it based on the characteristics of the marrying couple, making it unique to them.

Jing Dan began to feel excited.

“What secrets are you two whispering about over there? This is your big day, shouldn’t you come and have a few drinks?” Huai Sheng raised an eyebrow. Were they so engrossed in their own affairs that they neglected their friends?

“We should indeed have a drink.” He Ying approached Huai Sheng with a wine glass in hand, bowing sincerely. “Thank you.”

She thanked her for agreeing to cooperate with Jing Li to act out that scene. Without that performance, she wouldn’t even know when she and Jing Dan would have ended up together.

At that moment, Jing Dan also walked over, her expression slightly awkward. “I won’t hold any grudges against you anymore.”

Without her, she might have stubbornly clung to the idea of ​​being just friends forever.

Seeing the two of them like this, Huai Sheng graciously accepted their thanks, raising her glass and saying, “From now on, we’re all family.”

The three of them shared a smile and emptied their glasses in one gulp.

Perhaps it was because they were all so happy today, Jing Dan insisted on drinking every toast. Hu Tu and He Ying, standing by the side, were completely useless and were frightened. Their heart remained tense, never relaxing.

After all, Jing Dan’s capacity for alcohol was there for all to see!

However, as time passed and Jing Dan remained perfectly fine by her side, with no sign of unsteadiness in her steps, He Ying exchanged a glance with Hu Tu, both feeling a little puzzled.

Jing Dan’s alcohol tolerance has improved?

He Ying slightly furrowed her brows, unable to understand why. Could it be that by merging the soul, her alcohol tolerance has also increased?

By nightfall, Hu Tu and Huai Sheng intercepted everyone, giving them a meaningful look and saying, “Don’t worry, go rest. No one will disturb you tonight.”

He Ying wrapped her arm around Jing Dan’s shoulder. Feeling slightly embarrassed by the meaningful tone, she turned to Hu Yuan and said, “Mom, it’s time to go rest.”

Hu Yuan glanced at them and replied, “No need. Tonight, I’ll stay at your aunt’s place.”

He Ying: “…”

However, Jing Dan stared blankly at them, not saying a word.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Seeing Jing Dan’s condition, He Ying couldn’t help but suspect that she was actually drunk long ago, but she was pretending to be sober.

Ignoring what others might think, He Ying quickly pulled Jing Dan away from their sight. When they returned to Jing Dan’s little building, they found it had already been decorated early. Red silk ribbons adorned the place, giving it a festive look.

As soon as they arrived at the building, perhaps realizing there was no one else around, Jing Dan’s originally upright body suddenly went limp. If He Ying hadn’t acted quickly to catch her, she would have fallen.

He Ying chuckled softly, confirming that Jing Dan was indeed drunk.

With a resigned sigh, she carried Jing Dan into the bathroom for a bath. While helping her undress, she raised an eyebrow and asked, “Are you still conscious?”

“Yes!” Jing Dan suddenly exclaimed loudly.

He Ying was startled by her loud voice, then looked at her and couldn’t help but laugh, saying, “Then tell me, what am I doing right now?”

“Undressing me!”

“Well, undressing you. And why am I undressing you?”

“To undress and sleep with me!” she answered without hesitation.

He Ying’s fingertips trembled slightly, and she glanced up at her, “…”

Not hearing He Ying’s voice, Jing Dan thought she had given the perfect response and added, “Don’t worry! I’ll help you undress your clothes later! I won’t let you do it yourself!”

He Ying was speechless, realizing that Jing Dan seemed insistent on undressing her clothes herself every time.

Jing Dan seemed drunk, yet not completely so. After He Ying helped her undress, Jing Dan then solemnly helped He Ying undress, as if performing a serious task.

He Ying, who hadn’t intended to bathe with her, hesitated, “…”

This drunkard is still fixated on this matter even when drunk?

After Jing Dan helped her undress, she suddenly leaned forward and hugged He Ying, softly saying, “I like hugging you like this!”

Embracing each other without any barriers, He Ying could clearly feel the texture of her delicate skin as she lazily yawned.

He Ying was speechless, smiling and soothingly saying, “Let’s take a shower, then go to sleep, okay?”

“No!” Jing Dan suddenly raised her voice again. “Kisses before sleep!”

“Okay, kisses before sleep.” He Ying was left with no temper due to her antics.

After finally cleaning both of them, He Ying didn’t bother with towels and simply used her spiritual power to remove all the water stains from their bodies. Then, she carried Jing Dan to the bed. Just as she was about to lay her down, Jing Dan unexpectedly hooked her neck and agilely turned her body, pressing her down!

He Ying: “…” If it weren’t for the premeditated actions, she wouldn’t believe it at all!

She glanced at Jing Dan. “Didn’t we agree to go to sleep?”

“Yeah! Sleep! Sleep naked!” Jing Dan said confidently, then seemed to be lost in thought again. She lowered her gaze to He Ying, then buried her head in He Ying’s neck. With a hint of sadness, she choked out, “Why can’t I see your face clearly? I won’t lose my vision completely, will I?”

As she spoke, she seemed on the verge of tears, her nose tingling and her voice choked with emotion.

Hearing her voice, He Ying’s heart ached instantly, but she also found it both heart-wrenching and amusing. She lifted Jing Dan’s face, wiped away the tears with her thumb, and scolded gently, “You’re drunk! Can you see clearly now?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

This girl didn’t realize her tears were almost blinding her, yet she thought she could see clearly now? Ridiculous.

Jing Dan blinked, whispering, “I can see a bit clearer now, but still not very clearly.”

As she spoke, she became sad again, pursing her lips. “I want to see you clearly. You’re so beautiful. It would be heartbreaking if I couldn’t see you clearly!”

Her He Ying was so beautiful. How could she not be able to see her?

He Ying felt both embarrassed and amused by her words. She gently rubbed her face and coaxed, “I promise, I promise you’ll wake up tomorrow and see everything clearly!”

Jing Dan paused for a moment, then whispered softly, “You can’t deceive me.”

“When have I ever deceived you?” He Ying raised an eyebrow.

“You lied to me during your trip to the Gulong Mountain Range!” Jing Dan exclaimed indignantly, still feeling a bit angry about it.

He Ying: “…” This person holds grudges for quite a while.

“Well, I swear, if I lie to you this time, you can drink as many bottles of milk as you want for the next month!”

“No!” Jing Dan refused decisively. “I want you to sleep naked underneath me for the next month!”

Cough cough cough!

He Ying was caught off guard by her words, almost choking up with tears. When did this person become so cunning?

“Alright!” She gritted her teeth.

Jing Dan’s lips curved into a sweet smile, as if she could already imagine how He Ying would look underneath her for a month.

Seeing her smile so happily, He Ying narrowed her eyes slightly, unable to shake the suspicion that Jing Dan had been thinking about these things for a long time.

Jing Dan’s smile gradually faded, and then she looked at He Ying seriously, staring at her for a long, long time. He Ying met her gaze, but remained silent.

Jing Dan lowered her head and kissed the corner of her lips, whispering softly, “Tonight is our bond-sealing night.”

Equivalent to their wedding night.

He Ying’s heart fluttered, and she smiled gently. “Yes, tonight is our bond-sealing night.”

There was a hint of sigh in her words, but it wasn’t one of resignation; rather, it was a sigh of relief, finally reaching this moment.

Jing Dan’s lips moved down to kiss her jawline, and she began to lick it moistly with her tongue, murmuring He Ying’s name.

He Ying’s body tensed up, responding to her words with each breath. Despite the trembling in her heart, she began to find it somewhat amusing. This person seemed unsteady before, yet she still had the strength to do this?

She reciprocated Jing Dan’s kisses, her body becoming increasingly sensitive to her touch. Unable to resist, she lifted her hand, fingers threading through Jing Dan’s hair. The silky strands wrapped around her palm, stirring her emotions further.

“Jing Dan,” she softly called her name.

“Mm…” Jing Dan responded, kissing down to her throat, gently nibbling with her teeth. He Ying’s body, pressed against hers, could feel the rapid rise and fall of her chest with each breath. Their softness pressed together, the sensation felt like a gaping hole in her heart that needed to be filled.

Her fingertips danced, gracefully gliding over her alabaster skin like an endless waltz, sometimes grinding, sometimes brushing like a gentle breeze, finding rest by a water’s edge.

Jing Dan’s head continued to lower, but the flow of blood seemed to accelerate the intoxication even more. She felt her vision starting to blur again. Bowing her head, she thought to herself that even if she couldn’t see, she could still kiss and touch. She would make up for what she couldn’t see tomorrow!

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

He Ying’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, unexpectedly displaying a hint of endearment. She couldn’t help but cross her legs, giving off the impression that she didn’t want Jing Dan’s hand to leave, as if she wanted her to stay there forever.

She bit her lip, feeling a bit embarrassed. When she raised her hand to hold Jing Dan tighter, she found herself holding onto emptiness. Simultaneously, all the previous sensations abruptly disappeared, leaving behind an overwhelming sense of emptiness.

She swallowed lightly, her gaze fixed on the ceiling, hesitant to lower her eyes.

At this moment, Jing Dan still seemed a bit dazed, completely unaware that she had already returned to her true form…

He Ying dared not look, but her body could clearly feel that the person who had been pressing on her was now gone. In their place was a furry bundle nestled on her chest, while at the same time, her own top was being held in the mouth of this furry bundle…

She began to feel a slight sense of panic. After giving herself a considerable amount of mental preparation, she finally lowered her gaze to the bundle nestled against her chest. The panda cub stared blankly with its eyes wide open, as if it hadn’t realized what had just happened.

He Ying: “…”

Expressionless, she removed her top from the panda cub’s mouth, looking at the slight shimmer on it. Her emotions became especially complicated.

The author has something to say:

Hehe remained expressionless: “There’s a shadow.”