Novel Turned Yuri – Chapter 102

Help me warm up

The moving process was faster than expected, after all, in the case of cities on both sides, they did not need to move everything at once, so they each picked and packed up some necessary daily necessities and clothes. Each person only carried a suitcase and easily returned home, without even needing to ask for help.

After arriving home, Lin Qing behaved much more obediently than the day before. Without Qiao Yu’s reminder, she voluntarily sorted out the room and began tidying up diligently. Since yesterday, Qiao Yu had been carrying a burden on her chest, but now it slightly lifted. She went into another bedroom to organize her own belongings.

This process took even longer than moving, with the sky outside gradually darkening. Qiao Yu sighed to herself, thinking how good it was to be a college student, where weekdays could also feel like holidays. She clapped her hands, dusted them off, walked to Lin Qing’s bedroom door, leaned against it, and politely knocked.

“What about dinner? Should we order takeout?”

“Mmm…” Lin Qing had already almost finished tidying up her room – she didn’t bring much stuff in the first place, so the room still looked neat. Frowning, she pondered for a moment, then compromised with a sigh, “I originally wanted to go to the supermarket together to buy ingredients and cook, but that would definitely be too late.”

“Then let’s do it next time.” Although Qiao Yu wasn’t really hungry, she still nodded in agreement, “We’ll have plenty of opportunities in the future anyway.”

This statement clearly pleased Lin Qing, as a joyful smile appeared on her face as she softly replied.

“Mmm, next time, I want to cook with you.”

“Today… let’s just order takeout for now.” She lowered her voice and spoke in a subtle tone on the edge of incomprehensibility, “…after all, time is precious tonight.”

Qiao Yu didn’t quite catch it clearly and only heard the last two words, “precious.” Automatically assuming it was about the preciousness of mealtime, she quickly took out her phone to place an order, afraid that Lin Qing might go hungry.

Side by side, the two affectionately ordered takeout, and while waiting for dinner, they together tidied and arranged the living room and other common areas.

…how should she put it, once they began working together, there was a certain feeling.

Qiao Yu watched Lin Qing squatting in front of the TV, fiddling with the remote control, and her heart suddenly raced, emotions flooding up uncontrollably, causing a smile to appear at the corners of her mouth.

The entire process, from Qiao Yu proposing the idea to almost completing the implementation, happened too quickly. Qiao Yu still couldn’t naturally think of the word “cohabitation” in her mind, always finding a roundabout way to phrase it due to the inexplicable feeling of blushing and heart racing.

She and Lin Qing were going to live together. This was their shared home.

The once-empty house was rapidly transforming, feeling warm and peaceful with Lin Qing’s presence, making Qiao Yu experience a sense of liveliness in the air.

In any case, it felt very much like a newlywed!

It was truly difficult to completely stop the runaway imagination in her mind. Qiao Yu silently rubbed her forehead, as the word “newlywed” brought forth more fanciful thoughts— all impure thoughts that were best left unmentioned.

Most annoyingly, she decided to cleanse her mind and asked the system to recite a few Buddhist scriptures, but the system enthusiastically misinterpreted her request and started playing the wedding march without a second thought. It truly was a companion that did not listen to others.

Luckily, the takeout arrived quickly. In a surreal mood, Qiao Yu and Lin Qing sat together at the dining table to eat their first meal in their new home. After dinner, they lounged on the sofa watching TV as the dusk outside slowly turned into deep purple, eventually sinking into the night.

Every minute and every second spent with Lin Qing here felt novel to Qiao Yu. Even the changing hues of the sky she had been watching evoked a sense of nostalgia. The noisy sound of the television echoed in her ears, occasionally accompanied by Lin Qing’s soft laughter. Her lover was nestled close to her shoulder, emitting a delicate fragrance of perfume that tantalizingly teased Qiao Yu’s nose.

Not good.

Qiao Yu thought.

The overly warm atmosphere of their life together, combined with the vulnerable presence of her lover, generated a feeling that… anything could happen.

Unconsciously, Qiao Yu had tensed up the side of her body being leaned on by Lin Qing, only realizing at that moment a crucially important matter.

—No one would come to disturb them if they stayed here.

It was hard to describe Qiao Yu’s emotions when she thought of this, but fortunately, Lin Qing seemed oblivious to her unease. As the TV show cut to a commercial, Lin Qing sat up and stretched lazily.

“I think I’ll go take a shower.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Ah, sure, go ahead.”

Trying to maintain a calm demeanor amidst her turmoil, Qiao Yu nodded, and Lin Qing leisurely returned to her room – the master bedroom with an en-suite bathroom. Shortly after, the sound of the door closing could be heard, followed by the faint sounds of water mixing with the extravagant advertisements. The sound was not loud but subtly highlighted its presence.

When Qiao Yu became aware, she was attentively listening to the sound of water.

She immediately sprang up from the couch, frantically increasing the volume of the TV by two notches. Yet she still felt the water sound scratching at her heart like cat’s claws, mischievously picking out the memory of soaking in hot springs with Lin Qing, replaying it frame by frame in slow motion.

Qiao Yu wasn’t sure if Lin Qing had intentionally left the bedroom door open, but she knew she couldn’t continue listening like this. It was really not good for her mental health.

Feeling lost, she paced around the living room for a bit and ultimately decided to take a shower herself. Hastily grabbing her clothes, Qiao Yu rushed into the bathroom in the living room, deliberately not turning the water too hot, but maintaining a warm temperature to help clear her overheated mind. She needed to wash away these distracting thoughts.

Qiao Yu was always someone who valued cleanliness, typically showering daily. Her movements were quick and efficient, and in no time, she returned to the living room feeling refreshed.

Lin Qing had not come out yet. She haphazardly used a towel to dry her hair, the sound of fabric rubbing covering any potential noises that might be heard.

Using a shower to wake herself up may have had some effect, but it was limited. After all, her inner turmoil was deep-rooted, and relying on external forces didn’t offer much help.

Qiao Yu was silently resenting her sinful thoughts when suddenly, a hand pressed down on her own as she vigorously dried her hair.

Instinctively, she tilted her head back, and the towel in her hand was deftly taken away by someone from behind. As the person gently dried her hair, obscuring her view in the process.

“Why are you rubbing so hard? You’ll end up losing your hair.”

Lin Qing’s voice floated over gently, landing on Qiao Yu’s heart like a pillow.

Unable to contain herself, she let out a coquettish hum of satisfaction and mischievously reached out to capture those fish-like agile fingers. They easily evaded her grasp, and after a few gentle reprimands to stop causing trouble, Qiao Yu reluctantly settled down.

Before long, her hair was roughly dried, and Lin Qing playfully draped the towel over her head. As Qiao Yu reached out to take it, their fingers brushed against each other, causing her heart to skip a beat.

So cold.

Qiao Yu quickly pulled the towel off, her gaze fixed on Lin Qing who had casually walked over from behind the couch.

“What’s wrong? Did I make it too cold just now? My bad.”

Lin Qing spoke absentmindedly, her calm tone concealing a subtle tremor, whether physical or emotional.

“The weather is getting a bit chilly today, and I didn’t make the water too hot earlier because I thought it was already hot enough.”

While speaking contradictory words, she slowly walked towards Qiao Yu. Seeing the other person gazing at her curiously, she could only stammer out a few syllables like “you might catch a cold.” She shifted slightly, as if intending to go back to the room to get a blanket, but Lin Qing quickly pressed her down onto the couch.

“It’s fine, you’re not…not naked.”

If one were to discuss whether she was dressed or not, technically, she was dressed… but the overly flimsy nightgown Lin Qing was wearing definitely had no insulating effect, Qiao Yu could confirm.

Having seen Lin Qing in pajamas before, she was even more certain that this was not a normal choice for Lin Qing.

The loose shoulder straps that seemed like they could slip off at any moment, the sheer fabric that provided little coverage, and the fact that the person who had just been drying her hair hadn’t even dried her own hair properly, with water dripping down onto the nightgown that was already barely covering anything.

Most fatally, she was being held down by Lin Qing in this attire. As Lin Qing leaned forward, the neckline fell down without any guard, and her gaze subconsciously followed, brushing against a snowy white expanse before quickly turning away as if burned.

…Naturally, after taking a shower, one should not be wearing anything.

The sudden exposure of spring light plunged Qiao Yu into complete turmoil. Countless voices in her mind argued for their own views: some saying that Lin Qing must be cold now and she should quickly bring her some clothes, some questioning for whom she was dressing like this and why she couldn’t control herself, and some suggesting to forget about it and find a compromise. How about a compromise?

A compromise? What kind of compromise is this?

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Qiao Yu inexplicably felt offended, unable to figure out the reason, and before she could rationalize, she was drawn back to attention by Lin Qing’s soft intake of breath.

Realizing that she must not leave Lin Qing unattended, no matter what, Qiao Yu carefully controlled her gaze to avoid straying to inappropriate places and gradually shifted it towards Lin Qing’s face.

With just one glance, Qiao Yu regretted it.

Her lover possessed a face that easily ensnared others; the damp strands of hair, like wet crow feathers, hung down from her ears. The normally gentle and graceful features of her face exuded a misty ambiance due to the dampness, accentuated by her dark, captivating eyes that seemed to hold a rare, alluring beauty.

A water droplet fell from her hair strands, landing on Qiao Yu’s hand, sending a chill through her.

“…Indeed, it’s a bit cold.”

She softly spoke, her lips moving in a way that made Qiao Yu feel as though she might exhale cold air. Compassion and heartache swelled in Qiao Yu’s heart with this statement, and just as she was about to say something, Lin Qing lightly sealed her lips with a gentle press.

Her lips were cold too, yet soft, almost as if confirming the shape of Qiao Yu’s lips, gently caressing them. 

Qiao Yu has kissed her many times before.

Never once, however, has it been like this, where one can distinctly sense that something is about to happen.

Qiao Yu gradually loses herself in this kiss, losing control over herself. Her idle hand slowly trails up her lover’s waist, the palm of her hand hot and burning. She hears her lover let out a soft hum, then obediently nestle into her embrace, softly laughing.

“You seem really warm.”

She intimately whispers into Qiao Yu’s ear, her breath mixed with a seductive softness, enticingly reaching her ears.

“Let me warm up, Qiao Yu.”

It was as if she was whispering in a divine language.

No one could resist her.

Qiao Yu hugged her tightly, reluctantly guiding her to the bedroom with a trace of rationality. Lin Qing was quiet and compliant, letting out a soft sigh when placed on the bed, blushing shyly as she smiled.

“This seems even more embarrassing than I imagined.”

“Have you imagined it before?”

At this point, to Qiao Yu’s surprise, she found herself strangely calm. She heard her own voice falter slightly as she asked lightly.


Lin Qing’s hand tightened slightly on the edge of her nightgown, her tone shy yet candid. Just one word made Qiao Yu’s throat feel dry.

“…Lin Qing,” she struggled to speak, feeling like being able to maintain her composure at this moment was nothing short of a miracle, “I have also imagined this day – but my imagination has only gone as far as that.”

“I don’t have much experience… I might end up hurting you, it’s hard to say.”

Her mind was in complete disarray, and Qiao Yu didn’t know what she was saying incoherently, but she kept on rambling.

“…But I might find it hard to stop at that point, so… if it hurts, bite me hard.”


Lin Qing’s eyes widened slightly, then she candidly smiled and nodded.

“I thought you would say you wanted me to reconsider.”

“I won’t.” Qiao Yu’s throat rolled as she leaned in towards her lover in the ambiguous atmosphere. “If I still can’t understand your intentions by now, then I must be too foolish.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

The once clueless person had a moment of clarity.

As she met Qiao Yu’s lips and tongue, Lin Qing thought so.

It was written on her former wish list that she wanted this to happen on her eighteenth birthday. 

But then there was a huge upheaval, and she had to go through that day on her own, and then she realized.

Don’t wait for a special day, just do what you want to do as soon as possible. It’s good to hold hands one day earlier. That day will naturally become “special” to her.

She couldn’t even wait for Qiao Yu’s birthday; she wanted to give all of herself to Qiao Yu.

Qiao Yu’s movements were awkward, but that was okay. She would only be angry if this person was very skilled.

The nervous furrowing of the brows, the soft yet passionate gaze, the careful and greedy actions of Qiao Yu, only she could see them.

Qiao Yu was gentle. Lin Qing didn’t feel the tearing pain she had imagined, just a slight discomfort at first, quickly wiped away by the strange sensation.

But she couldn’t help but shed tears in the end, which made her lover panic. She kissed her tear-stained eyes repeatedly, anxiously asking if she was in pain.

Lin Qing smiled through her tears and told Qiao Yu that she wasn’t in pain, she just liked her too much.