Miss Forensics – Chapter 132.3

The final battle (6)

Tiger didn’t give her a chance to catch her breath. With a kick to the chest, he toppled her backwards, grabbed the fallen dagger from the ground, and lunged towards her eyes.

Suffering consecutive blows, the wounds on her body reopened, oozing blood. Lin Yan coughed weakly, unable to even lift her fingers.

The glint of the blade in her eyes grew larger and larger.

“Stop! Don’t move!” From a distance, they could already see their speedboat parked on the shore. Kuba was about to help the Supreme Lord off the boat when Song Yuhang shouted loudly, manipulating the old boat engine to maximum speed and charging straight towards them like a cannonball.

Kuba turned around and his pupils shrank, gritting his teeth, “Crazy.”

At this speed, if they collided, none of them would survive – the boat would be destroyed and lives lost.

He quickly raised his gun, aimed at the fuel tank of the speedboat, and pulled the trigger. The speeding boat still wouldn’t stop. Only by destroying the power system of the boat would it come to a complete halt.

With a loud “bang,” the fuel tank exploded.

Song Yuhang turned around and clenched her teeth, the speed of the boat gradually slowing down, swaying and drifting past, the sea roiling with waves.

Kuba put away his gun, “You guys take the Supreme Lord and leave first, I’ll cover the rear.”

Several lackeys didn’t dare to delay, helped the Supreme Lord off the boat and quickly headed in the predetermined direction.

Song Yuhang jumped into the water with a splash and disappeared into the night.

A fierce wind blew up on the sea, the night grew late, pitch-black, unable to see the hand in front of one’s face.

Only the waves were splashing against his body as he stood in waist-deep water, pacing back and forth to trace her movements.

He had just turned around with the gun in his hand, when suddenly, someone sprang out from behind like a fish.

Song Yuhang’s hair tips were still dripping with water, her whole body drenched. One arm tightly gripped around his neck, forcing him to suffocate, dragging him towards the shore.

“F*ck!” Kuba cursed under his breath. Holding the gun horizontally with both hands, he lifted it over his head to strike her head.

Song Yuhang grimaced in pain, took a staggering step back, and then delivered a punch straight to his face.

She swiftly lifted her hand to block, grabbing his arm tightly like an eagle’s claw. At the same time, she shifted to the side, and her right knee sharply struck his abdomen, sending him flying.

Kuba wiped the corner of his lips and stood up, “You, are quite impressive.”

Song Yuhang raised her chin slightly and took on an attacking stance.


She needed to defeat him quickly to go after the Supreme Lord, she couldn’t let them escape into international waters.

Kuba saw through her thoughts and took off the heavy gun, bullets, communication device, and other equipment from his back, throwing them into the sea to lighten his load. He beckoned to her with a motion of his hand.

“Come on, Chinese police officer, let me see your skills.”

“So, as a foreigner, why come to our land and cause trouble?” Song Yuhang gritted her teeth and lunged forward, throwing a punch towards his head, which was blocked by his arm.

Kuba began to counterattack. With his load lightened, his movements became noticeably more agile. A lightning-fast punch struck her abdomen, followed by a fierce side kick to her waist while she was still in pain.

She staggered backward, the sand beneath her feet soft, unexpectedly sinking in, choking on a mouthful of seawater.

Kuba seized the opportunity to launch a decisive pursuit, intending to take her life directly. He had practiced ancient Thai boxing since childhood, renowned for its cunning and ruthless techniques. He ruthlessly smashed his elbow, the hardest and sharpest part of the body, towards her jaw, the force causing a bone-crushing crunch.

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

Song Yuhang vomited a mouthful of blood, her head tilted from the impact. Before she could organize a counterattack, another elbow strike came from a different angle.

In a match, two consecutive heavy elbow strikes usually determined the outcome. No one could withstand his relentless attacks.

Kuba felt a sense of triumph, but suddenly froze.

Despite his intention to advance his elbow, he found himself immobilized. None would have expected her to have such resistance. She raised her hand and firmly grasped his forearm, exerting such force that his bones began to ache.

The short-haired woman in front of him sneered coldly, then, leveraging his arm as a fulcrum, she leapt into the air and fiercely kicked him in the chest, sending him flying.

Kuba heavily fell into the sea, creating a splash of water, with bloodstains floating around the sea surface.

Song Yuhang performed a fish leap and stood up, bending down to remove her leg bindings, causing two sandbags weighing twenty pounds each to fall to the ground.

Kuba’s pupils contracted as he coughed twice while holding his chest, his throat filled with the taste of blood. He gritted his teeth and struggled to get up.

Song Yuhang removed her arm bindings and threw them into the sea, then took out knuckledusters (brass knuckles) from her pocket, opening her fists and gripping tightly.

For some reason, Kuba had a feeling that she had not fully exerted herself before, and it was this feeling that made his scalp tingle.

“You’re using weapons, Chinese person, that’s unfair.”

Song Yuhang coldly chuckled and lunged at him first.

“Who the hell wants to have a fair fight with you? Why talk about righteousness and morality with enemies? I just want you dead!”

In contrast to the evenly matched battle happening with Song Yuhang, Lin Yan’s situation was on the brink.

She struggled to raise her arm and grab his arm, but even with all her effort, she couldn’t stop the dagger from descending.

There was no way around it – the difference in physical strength was too vast. In just a short moment, most of her front clothes were soaked with blood, the seawater brushing against her body causing a stinging pain.

Lin Yan gradually gritted her teeth as she found herself falling behind in this struggle. She watched helplessly as the knife drew closer, feeling a slight stinging sensation in her eyelids.

“Sister Lin, I’ll help you!” Seeing the situation turning dire, Duan Cheng struggled to climb to his feet and limped over to her, tightly embracing her waist and pulling the assailant back.

Tiger paid no attention to Duan Cheng, single-mindedly determined to kill Lin Yan, the cold gleam of the dagger flashed, piercing down in an instant. 

Lin Yan suddenly tilted her head to the side, the sharp blade of the knife cutting off a few strands of her hair. A wave of warmth swept her ear – she must be bleeding. Without dwelling too much on it, while the knife was still stuck in the sand, she tightly grabbed his arm, immobilizing his upper body. Her right leg pressed against his ankle to maintain balance, then she swiftly flipped over, successfully gaining the upper hand. 

Tiger hesitated for a moment, seemingly surprised that she was not only skilled in using a mechanical stick, but also proficient in ground combat techniques. 

Having spent so much time with Lin Yan, there was a certain level of understanding between them. Seeing the enemy lying on the ground, Duan Cheng instinctively pounced forward, grabbed the dagger beside him, and forcefully stabbed it towards the enemy’s chest. It was strange – a year ago, he was just a young police officer who hesitated to act against suspected criminals, but now he was able to strike at the enemy’s vital points without hesitation. 

Such a change was truly startling.

Warm blood splattered out.

Song Yuhang staggered back a few steps, blood foaming at the corner of her mouth, then she lunged forward with her fist raised.

Both sides were equally embroiled in a fierce battle.

After taking a few punches from her, Kuba finally found an opportunity to strike back, pressing her head down into the seawater.

“You’re not bad at all. Are you interested in joining the Supreme Lord? Money will not be in short supply for you.”

“F*ck you, cough, cough…”

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

Song Yuhang choked on several mouthfuls of water in succession, bubbles emerging from her mouth and nose. After managing to poke her head out, she was pushed back down again. She struggled in vain, her soft hair drifting in the seawater.

Strangely, despite the surrounding darkness, she saw a light in that moment. It was as if she could see Lin Yan opening her arms and swimming towards her, then gently cupping her face and giving her a kiss.

Song Yuhang shuddered all over; suddenly, she understood what was happening. It turns out, when she fell into the sea, Lin Yan had also come bravely through obstacles with a heart full of love to rescue her. This time, it was her turn to bring her back home.

Lin Yan, wait for me.

Chewing on these words, she suddenly felt an endless surge of strength throughout her body.

While being exhausted under the water, she suddenly reached out and grabbed Kuba’s leg, tripping him as well. She fiercely knocked her forehead against his, causing Kuba to fall back on the water. Ready to escape, Song Yuhang chased after him, grabbed his waist from behind, and dragged him back.

Kuba continuously struck her vital points with his elbows, causing bubbles to emerge from Song Yuhang’s mouth. Her face showed excruciating pain, but she didn’t let go.

When it came to water skills, Song Yuhang was not as good as Lin Yan, but she was much stronger than the landlubber Kuba.

After spending a long time underwater, he gradually felt shortness of breath and a tight chest, eager to surface for a breath.

Having noticed his weakness, Song Yuhang was not going to give up easily. She firmly dragged him deeper into the water. 

In the urgency of the moment, Kuba’s moves became erratic, and Song Yuhang seized the opportunity to grab his neck with her arm, pushing his head against a large rock nearby.

Kuba’s vision blurred for a moment, his limbs went weak, and the surrounding seawater began to show faint red traces of blood. 

With bloodshot eyes, Song Yuhang, exhausted in both strength and endurance, found herself in a blank state of mind. Mechanically, she continued to grab his hair and repeatedly ram his head against a rock.

Initially, Kuba struggled, but eventually, he became motionless. When Song Yuhang finally came to her senses, the rock was covered in a mixture of blood and fluids. She let go, and Kuba sank heavily to the seabed, landing on the ocean floor. Dust floated up, and startled fish swam away into the distance.

Is he dead?

She was slightly puzzled and swam to his side to check his carotid artery. A huge smile suddenly appeared at the corner of her lips, and her groggy mind finally began to clear up a bit.

Song Yuhang started swimming upwards but didn’t know if it was due to the exhaustion of her strength or the severity of her injuries. She coughed in intervals, each cough resulting in bloodstains at the corner of her lips. Saltwater rushed into her lungs, triggering a new wave of coughing, a vicious cycle.

Just a moment ago, she could still see the daylight, but now everything had turned dark.

Song Yuhang swam and swam but never saw the light. She seemed to float in an eternity of darkness, unable to see the end.

As she continued to paddle, her strength waned, and she could only float along with the waves. Feeling drowsy, on the verge of drifting off to sleep, with a sudden thud, a lifebuoy was thrown next to her.

Xue Rui sat on the boat, a radiant smile appearing on his face.

“Captain Song, reinforcements have arrived. Come up quickly.”

“Hey, didn’t we agree on something? I provide you with information, you tell me where my sister is?”

“Hey, hey…”

No matter how urgently the man inquired, all he could hear on the other end of the phone was a busy signal.

The Supreme Lord could no longer respond to him.

A large group of armed police surrounded them, the special police force withdrawing, while the armed police had been lying in ambush here since dawn, a well-prepared trap awaiting its prey.

Following the Supreme Lord, several of his lackeys one after another dropped their weapons and raised their hands in surrender.

When the reinforcements arrived, Tiger was already dead. 

Duan Cheng’s blow missed the vital spot, instead provoking Tiger to struggle wildly, causing him to overturn Lin Yan, tightly gripping her neck.

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

The two engaged in a fierce struggle, neither giving in, both covered in bloodstains from head to toe.

With gritted teeth, Duan Cheng lunged forward, tightly embracing his waist and pulling him backward. Lin Yan seized the dagger, leaping forward. With a flash of the blade, she directly severed his carotid artery, blood gushing out uncontrollably, sealing his fate.

As Duan Cheng let go, he knelt to the ground, his head buried in the seawater, a weave of blood colors dispersing gently.

The arriving reinforcements of the armed police force were stunned. Tiger and Kuba, both international fugitives, top dangerous criminals, died like this?

Someone did not believe it and ran forward to feel his carotid artery. The cut was so deep, almost reaching the bone, leaving only a bit of skin hanging on the head. This level of precision could only be achieved with a thorough understanding of the human body.

The captain of the armed police looked at Lin Yan with a newfound respect in his eyes.

Seeing that he was truly dead, Duan Cheng felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him. He staggered back a couple of steps, collapsed into the mud, panting heavily but with a smile on his lips.

“Stretchers, stretchers, an officer is injured!”

Lin Yan, also severely weakened from losing too much blood and suffering consecutive injuries, knelt on the ground with a thud and spat out a mouthful of dark blood. 

Some tried to come help her to the ambulance for treatment, but Lin Yan waved them off, wiped a bloodstain from the corner of her mouth, gritted her teeth, and stood up.

“The Supreme Lord is not dead yet. I have to go.”