Novel Turned Yuri – Chapter 100

Please entrust her to me

Muffled sounds caused quite a stir at the beginning of Qiao Yu’s university life, and things didn’t start off too smoothly.

“…I feel like a lot of people are looking over here.”

Qiao Yu sat down with a tray in hand and silently scanned around. She didn’t catch anyone looking, but whenever she lowered her head, she could feel eyes glancing sneakily towards her.

“Really? I don’t feel anything.”

Sitting across from her, Lin Qing casually picked up her chopsticks, appearing completely accustomed to the surrounding gazes.

“Exactly, after all, you are the president of the student union, you’ve been well known since before.”

Convincing herself that the reason they were being watched was simply because Lin Qing was already a famous figure, Qiao Yu tried to get used to the feeling of being the center of attention and chatted with Lin Qing.

“Do you know how much commotion there was among the freshmen when you went on stage to speak at the opening ceremony? I could even hear the gasps of the guys at the back.”

Having an overly attractive president could be both a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing was that when she spoke, the originally lax freshmen would become fully focused and attentive, but the bad thing was that perhaps 80% of the audience’s attention was not on her speech.

At that time, the incident involving her and Lin Qing had not yet spread among the freshmen who lacked connections, so when classmates started discussing Lin Qing and expressing interest in joining the student union, Qiao Yu chose to remain silent, almost as if she was hiding her identity and pretending to be a pig in order to eat a tiger.

Now things are different. After all, it has been a week since returning from military training, and most people in the class have heard about it. As a result, the looks they give her now are somewhat admiring, as if they just casually think it’s impressive that she managed to pursue the rumored “untouchable beauty” shortly after entering school – even though the actual sequence of events differs from the rumors.

Then, seemingly out of the blue, Qiao Yu somehow obtained a high status in the class, and every now and then she would be privately consulted for relationship advice. However, in reality, most of her responses were based on her past experiences in writing romance novels – after all, her relationship with Lin Qing was too unique and didn’t offer much practical advice.

One can only say… it’s truly wonderful how accepting everyone in university is towards same-sex relationships. Thanks to Great Mi Yi, Qiao Yu decides to buy some food for Small Mi Yi and send it over later.

“That’s really great, catching the right timing,” Lin Qing admitted graciously with a suppressed smile, then shrugged and continued, “After all, each president can only serve for a year in their third year, and the freshmen next year won’t get to see me giving a speech.”

“Ah, indeed, it’s a great timing,” Qiao Yu nodded earnestly. “…So, does that mean I woke up at the right time back then?”

“It’s not like that at all. I can only say that was the deadline.”

As soon as the thoughtless remark slipped out, Lin Qing gave a stern glare and casually stirred her soup bowl, despite the dangerously playful words spoken.

“If it had been any later, not only would you have missed my speech, I might have already been dragged into an arranged date. It seems like my mom has that intention.”


Startled, Qiao Yu’s hand trembled and she ended up spilling the spoonful of fried rice she had just scooped back into her plate, eyes wide with shock as she looked at Lin Qing.

“Is it true? Aunt Lin would really make you go on arranged dates??”

“Well, who knows.”

With a nonchalant tone, Lin Qing made an explosive statement and leisurely sipped her soup, seemingly indifferent as she changed the topic.

“Speaking of which, it’s the time for student unions and clubs to recruit new members. Have you thought about joining any organization? Cong Ye previously mentioned he wanted to invite you to the Sports Department—”

“No no no, let’s put that on hold for now. I’m more interested in the arranged date side of things!”

Instead of talking about other topics, Qiao Yu was completely distracted from eating now, and she firmly steered the conversation back.

“You’re still in college, right? You’re only twenty years old!”

“Calm down. So, what I said earlier was about if you had come back any later—by the way, at twenty, you’re already legally able to get married.”

“And Cong Ye has probably been on arranged dates already, he just might not have realized it himself.”


Qiao Yu was momentarily speechless, and upon hearing that, she suddenly remembered a message she received from Cong Ye on a certain night a few months ago.

Cong Ye: Wow, my mom came out to discuss business, afraid I’d go hungry so she brought me along. Turns out the business partner also brought their child. Everyone’s kids hungry?

Cong Ye: Something’s not right, my mom and that auntie actually left the table together to go to the restroom.

Cong Ye: Qiao Yu, do you think the food at this restaurant is not fresh?

At that time, Qiao Yu was overwhelmed with her studies, and Cong Ye’s messages were always verbose and lacked focus, easily stretching into three pages for a single conversation. She remembered giving a brief glance at his messages and replying.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Qiao Yu: Does Aunt Lin know about this?

What is she talking about?! Both of them completely missed the point, didn’t they!

No wonder the system inexplicably muttered in her mind at that time, “Huh? Should I pay attention over there?”… I mean, if it noticed something was off, it should just clarify it more clearly! Was her brain not functioning properly when she was studying at that time!

“The host is really unreasonable…”

Ignoring the system’s indignant voice, it turns out that time Cong Ye was actually on an arranged date… Qiao Yu felt a wave of dizziness and held her head in distress.

…It seems like I’ve heard before that children from wealthy families tend to marry—or get engaged—early, but isn’t this too rushed? Speaking of which, suddenly remembered back in high school, did Lu Yao mention he was going on arranged dates during winter break? Huh?

Since Aunt Lin has already established a relationship with Aunt Cong, does that mean Lin Qing is also considered to be within this scope?

…Isn’t this situation quite urgent!

Although even if it did happen, there wouldn’t be any real danger, because Lin Qing would definitely find a way to refuse… but she absolutely didn’t want to hear about Lin Qing being arranged to go on arranged dates by the elders!

Qiao Yu suddenly panicked, her thoughts of planning for the future with careful consideration were thrown out of the window. Acting decisively, she put down her utensils and propped herself against the table, leaning towards Lin Qing’s direction.

“Will Aunt Lin be at home this weekend?”


Lin Qing answered without hesitation, not showing any surprise at the sudden question. In Qiao Yu’s slightly stunned expression, Lin Qing drank the last sip of soup, wiped her mouth methodically, raised her eyebrows, and smiled warmly at her.

“—Even if you meant tonight, that’s fine too. As long as you want to talk to them about something, I can guarantee they will be there.”

…There’s a feeling of being manipulated.

Qiao Yu sneakily glanced at Lin Qing on her right, who was focused on watching TV with her shoulder leaning against hers. Lin Qing noticed her gaze and tilted her head, giving her a questioning look.

Oh, in view of her cuteness, being manipulated can be overlooked. It’s all her own fault for not being smart enough, not Lin Qing’s issue.

Qiao Yu, feeling a lack of integrity, turned her head away, grabbed a glass of water, and took three gulps to ease the dryness in her mouth caused by nervousness.

Briefly, she was currently sitting in the living room after dinner, happily watching TV on the sofa with the Cong’s family of four. It was a scene of familial harmony.

If she were to call Father Qiao and Mother Qiao over, it would be considered a formal meeting between the two families—no, that might be a bit too early… or is it?

Before resolving one matter, don’t rush into thinking about the next step! Qiao Yu scolded herself harshly in her mind, trying to carefully organize her thoughts. She couldn’t help but recall the response she received from President Cong, whom she had mustered up the courage to inquire about a nagging question before dinner.

‘Arranged date? Let Lin Qing go?’

President Cong’s shock and hesitation were even more exaggerated than Qiao Yu’s, she could almost see her pupils shaking, and the book in her hand dropped onto her lap with a loud thud.

‘…Impossible! I won’t agree to that! Qingqing is still so young! Even if Lin Jing wants her to go on arranged dates, I won’t— Lin Jing wouldn’t let her go either!’

The intensity of her words and actions made it hard to imagine this was the usually solemn and composed President Cong, immediately making Qiao Yu realize that this was definitely an unmentioned issue, and she fell silent in understanding.

…This is really strange. Where did Lin Qing’s recent understanding come from? It can’t be that Aunt Lin went against President Cong;s wishes and kept it a secret to make Lin Qing go, what’s the purpose of this?

At this point, Qiao Yu gradually realized that today was probably a trap set by Lin Qing. But with the situation already at this point, she had to make a move, and the dinner under the pretext of a visit was already over. Now was the best time for a conversation!

Go for it, Qiao Yu! If not now, then when!

“…Wait, Cong Ye, can you go play in your room for a while first?”

“Huh? Why? This variety show just started airing, you know?”

“Because I would feel embarrassed with you here—”

“What are you going to do in my living room that makes you feel embarrassed?! Aren’t you satisfied with whatever you did with Lin Qing on the university public pathways?”



Alright, the other three people in the living room clearly heard Cong Ye’s words, and all three pairs of eyes turned to look at him. The blunt and straightforward trait passed down through generations in the Cong family was in full swing today, perfect.

Qiao Yu’s temples throbbed, and she sincerely thought that after this incident, she must have a good talk with Cong Ye about life.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

The current situation left no room for hesitation. Lin Qing was already blushing and pinching her— a gesture she would have to repay Cong Ye later. Qiao Yu closed her eyes, bravely stood up from the sofa, turned towards the two elders with complex expressions, and bit the bullet to speak. “I am currently in a relationship with Lin Qing!”

“I will treat her well! I will never bully her! So, uh…”

Her voice became somewhat high-pitched due to excessive nervousness, and the unexpected turn of events completely disrupted her prepared script. With no other choice, Qiao Yu decided to go all out, and she bowed deeply, lowering her head.

“Please entrust her to me!”

“How embarassing.”

“…I don’t think it’s that big of a deal, right? Ahem.”

“You’re clearly holding back your laughter!”

Qiao Yu sighed and buried her face in her hands, not wanting to see Lin Qing’s amused gaze. She felt like she wouldn’t have the face to visit the Cong family again in the future.

Although the purpose of the visit was to meet the parents and clarify their relationship, why did her brain suddenly blurt out those proposal-like words…?

It was already an hour after she had said those words. During this hour, she was taken to a room by the elders for a thorough interrogation, mainly conducted by President Cong. Her expression was truly complex, and Qiao Yu nervously answered each question as if she were in a job interview.

The questions ranged from “when did it start” to “why do you like Qingqing” to “what plans do you have for the future” and “how many children are you planning to have” — what ridiculous questions! They both had no plans for children! It must be said that President Cong’s thinking was truly unconventional, and it was evident that beneath her serious demeanor, she was also taken aback by Qiao Yu’s unexpected confession.

Both individuals, with confused minds, struggled through the questions and answers. Finally, Mother Lin, who had been smiling and watching Qiao Yu, unable to bear President Cong’s increasingly strange questions, gestured towards the partially closed door and whispered.

‘…If we continue, Qingqing at the door will get tired of standing.’

It was a decisive blow, and President Cong’s expression immediately fell. After carefully examining Qiao Yu, she reluctantly nodded.

“It will have to do for now.”

Touched almost to tears by the “will do for now” evaluation, Qiao Yu still couldn’t find freedom. President Cong insisted that Mother Lin go out first to comfort Lin Qing. After hearing Mother Lin repeatedly assure that she would let Qiao Yu leave soon, Mother Lin sighed and left the room. Before leaving, she patted Qiao Yu’s shoulder, a gesture that Qiao Yu couldn’t tell whether it was approval or encouragement.

Alone in the room with President Cong, Qiao Yu’s body stiffened. Unexpectedly, President Cong stood up from the chair, walked to her cabinet, and began rummaging through it expressionlessly, pulling out a pile of delicately packaged… herbs?

‘I remember you used to have health issues. You need to take care of yourself when you are with Qingqing, don’t let her worry about your health.’

At that moment, President Cong had a touch of a motherly demeanor. Just as Qiao Yu was about to assure her that she would take care of herself and Lin Qing, President Cong’s expression tightened, and she lowered her voice unnaturally.

‘…And remember to exercise restraint. Qingqing’s body can’t handle too much stress.’


That’s what she meant, right? That’s what she was thinking, right?

Even if President Cong’s hints were so subtle, it was pointless! Why bring up such things out of nowhere? What a useless worry! She and Lin Qing had only gone as far as kissing! They were pure and innocent! Don’t believe in what Cong Ye said about this and that, that’s not the case at all! They just shared a kiss, nothing more!

Although she really wanted to say this, she felt that it would only complicate matters further. Qiao Yu could only silently nod with a face red to the point of explosion.

Finally, she was liberated and brought to the courtyard by Lin Qing, who had been anxiously waiting in the living room.

“In the end, it didn’t go so well, did it?”

“…It went quite well.”

Lin Qing softly chuckled and patted Qiao Yu’s head, causing Qiao Yu to emerge from her palm with a sullen expression.

“You said before that Aunt Lin had thoughts about arranging a blind date for you… or were you just teasing me?”

“Well… it’s not entirely untrue.”


No matter how much Qiao Yu pressed for more information afterwards, Lin Qing just smiled and remained silent. Thinking back on her mother’s earlier words, she blushed quietly.

‘How about you and Qiao Yu just go to a blind date banquet and settle this matter once and for all?’ the older woman spoke in a light-hearted manner, deliberately teasing her daughter who was blushing with embarrassment. ‘After all, Mom has already agreed. Plus, from what you’ve said, their family situation seems quite suitable, right?’

Frequent lectures and carefully crafted outfits before going out could not escape the mother’s watchful eye. Lin Qing had already spilled the beans to Mother Lin early on, often being teased for not showing enough respect for her elders. Using this as a reason, Lin Qing pushed Qiao Yu forward – she wasn’t really deceiving her. Even if the person she intended to set Qiao Yu up with for the blind date was Qiao Yu, it still counted as having the intention to set her up on a blind date, right?

“Well, I’m not going on a blind date now anyway. Are you not happy?”

“Sigh… I’m happy.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Qiao Yu relaxed quietly, her eyes sparkling.

“At last.” Lin Qing looked into her eyes, her voice surprisingly gentle, “Finally taking a step forward.”

“Shouldn’t it be my turn to visit your home next time? Although Uncle and Auntie probably already know.”

She said with a smile, thinking unsatisfiedly about the next step after this matter is resolved, it should be time for her wish list.

Feelings of love surged up again uncontrollably. Lin Qing, who was spoiled by her lover, didn’t want to hold back. She reached out her arms, wanting to encircle Qiao Yu’s neck, but Qiao Yu preemptively grabbed her wrist.

Looking displeased, Lin Qing met Qiao Yu’s hesitant eyes. She took a deep breath, as if she had made a decision and spoke.

“If you want to come to my house, you can do so anytime… Ahem, I have another matter I want to discuss with you.”

Not knowing what it was about that needed to be brought up at this moment, Lin Qing pouted and tilted her head, indicating to her unresponsive lover to continue.

“…Well, I’ve already discussed this matter with my parents before. They are very supportive, and even gave me my… house ahead of time.”


Lin Qing repeated in a daze, seeing Qiao Yu nod. She released Qiao Yu’s hand, reached into her pocket and searched for a while. There was a crisp sound of metal collision, then she took it out and unexpectedly held the item in front of Lin Qing.

“Would you like to live with me?”

Lin Qing saw Qiao Yu nervously tighten her lips slightly, her hand trembling a bit as the keys gently swayed, creating a melodious sound of collision, akin to the chimes of wind.